20 April 2022 – Our Merciful And Gracious God Uses The Least Expected Ways

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 20th April 2022


Matthew 2:1-12 (NIV)

Our Merciful And Gracious God Uses The Least Expected Ways


Matthew 2:1-12 (NIV)

(Michael Lee, Steward, LCEC)


Matthew 2:1-12 (NIV) – The Magi Visit The Messiah


Matthew stresses God’s protection of the child Jesus. Chapter 2 shows God works His will despite opposition from evil forces. The chapter begins with the visit of the Magi, the mysterious wise men from a distant land who have come to worship the new born king.

What I observed in Matthew 2 is that all do not come to Jesus by the same way. God uses unexpected means. This sets up what recurs in Matthew — that Jesus, Israel’s King, is recognised and welcomed by the least expected people.

Herod probably sensed that the Magi were neither to be won by flattery, nor awed by threats, nor bribed by gifts, to consent to his evil intention. He sought therefore, to deceive them by telling them to search and report the whereabout of baby Jesus so that he too “may go and worship him” (v8). Matthew 2:11-12 recorded that the Magi found the infant Jesus and paid homage to him. They then returned home by another route, having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod.

I observed here that God so loved the world that He sent His only son, Jesus, that whoever believe in Him shall have eternal life. Mercy, not sacrifice. What God is really after is a change in our heart. God wants to see us show mercy the way He shows mercy. 


I must learn to be merciful to receive mercy. To also place my complete trust unto the Lord, to be in obedience to God.

Mercy is God not giving us what we deserve. We have so much to be thankful for in God’s mercy.

Be merciful to receive mercy – be patient with people’s quirks, help anyone around you who is hurting, give people a second chance, do good to those who hurt you, value relationship over rules. 


In my daily walk with God, I am reminded that our God is a merciful and gracious God. There have been many moments of God’s blessing in my life and God blesses me to be a blessing to others.

To walk humbly with God is the basis for love, mercy, and forgiveness. Because of what God has done, I as an intentional disciple, must cultivate my walk with God. Therefore, I will be still and know that He is God, and I am to serve Him with all my heart as He has commanded me to.


Dear Lord, our Father in Heaven,

I thank you for your mercy. Thank you for giving me your love, grace and forgiveness instead of the punishment for my sins that I deserve. Change my prayers, oh Lord, and replace my heart with a heart of gratitude that gives you praise and thanks. Make me an obedient disciple and a faithful servant.

Help me, O Lord, to continue in my daily walk with you, to trust and obey, in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. Lord, use me in the least expected ways, as an instrument of your love, to help the less fortunate, and the disadvantaged as I do your kingdom works.  Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen. 

NOTE: We have completed the Gospel of Matthew by following the reading plan in Tom Wright’s ‘Lent for Everyone: Matthew (Year A)’. The reading plan, however, continues for another four days as Tom Wright focuses on four passages in the Gospel of Matthew to guide us on how we should live as followers of the Risen Christ, starting today with the wonderful story about the three wise men.

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