8 April 2022 – The Grace Of Brokenness

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 8th April 2022


Matthew 26:1-13 (NIV)

The Grace Of Brokenness

LENT 2022 | DAY 33

Matthew 26:1-13 (NIV)

(Shirley Koo, Chairperson, Wesley GYM)


Matthew 26:1-13 (NIV)


The time of the event was 2 days before Passover and the venue was the house of Simon the leper. There is no mention of who the woman was in the passage, except that she was “a woman” with “an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume” and she “poured” it on Jesus’ “head”.

John 12:3 reveals the woman to be Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus.

Mary’s lavish sacrifice incurred the indignation of the disciples who failed to appreciate the good done by her. Their comments revealed how they gave of their gifts to God.

Jesus, however, saw Mary‘s action in a different light and highly praised her action. He had seen her heart and how her deep gratitude and love had moved her to unknowingly prepare Him for His “burial”.


2 lessons stand out to me from this passage. 

As with the woman, Jesus is able to see into our hearts, read our thoughts and know our needs even before we utter them in prayer.

There is blessing in our pains when we surrender them to Him; it’s when we are feeling helpless that God’s grace and strength sustain us (2 Cor 12:9). He will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

He alone can mend our brokenness and heal our wounded hearts.  Only He has the power to bring about healing and revival within us and thereby transform us for His glory.

The woman’s sacrifice also reminded me that when I have grasped the costly price of suffering Jesus had paid on the Cross for me, all the sacrifices on my part pale in comparison and significance.

Regardless of the woman’s past, Jesus’ understanding and acceptance of her brought healing to her soul. Likewise, it’s by His grace that I am saved through faith today (Ephesians 2:8-9).

“For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows everything.” 1John 3:20. 


I thank God for an intimate walk with Him through the devotions. I can’t read the Bible without feeling how much loved and blessed I am. His Word assures me that He is the sovereign and ever dependable God who will always meet me at my point of need in His time and in His way.

Truly, this is the great God who has redeemed me with His sacrifice on the Cross and whom I will always worship, adore and serve with my family.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your gift of countless graces in my life. Thank You for caring and looking out for those in need wherever they are. 

Thank You for the beautiful and loving people You have blessed me with over the years. Bless them bountifully for they have helped me to see You and draw close to You with their prayers and wisdom. Bless them and their families, too.

May I be a blessing to those who are hurting in this broken world so they will experience Your love and be drawn to You by Your goodness and grace. 

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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