30 March 2022 – Our Faith In 22 Verses

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 30th March 2022


Matthew 21:1-22 (NIV)

Our Faith In 22 Verses

LENT 2022 | DAY 25

Matthew 21:1-22 (NIV)

(Celine Sia Su Lin, Assistant Pastoral Care Zone 2 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Matthew 21:1-22 (NIV)


These first 22 verses of Matthew 21 see the transition of Jesus’ ministry to a full-blown public announcement to all of the arrival of the Son of David, i.e. the Messiah. There is the fulfilment of several Old Testament prophecies in quick succession, and two events that created uproar around Jesus, first His arrival in Jerusalem that was greeted with rapturous praise to God by the crowds, and the second, Jesus’ angry clearing of the “den of thieves” that was linked to and tainted God’s House of Prayer.

The verses also record Jesus continuing in His ministry to heal the blind and the lame, while teaching His disciples personally and privately. The cursing of the fig tree was an exhortation to them to bear good fruit, and also a lesson on praying in faith without doubt. 


In these verses I see all the key tenets of the Christian faith – Jesus, our Messiah, who heals us of our iniquities and suffering; the will and plan of God to save us, articulated under the old covenant and fulfilled in the new; keeping ourselves holy and not defiled by greed for material things; bearing fruit and remembering that we will be called to account by God; and praying in faith and not to doubt regardless of how large our “mountain” of problems are. 

I am assured of God’s good and perfect plan that has and will come to pass, and encouraged to keep on this journey of life in faith and trust. 


I also have a part in His plan and I want to fulfil it and bear fruit that reflects His love for the last, the least and the lost. I am reminded that it is not just during Lent, but every day, and not only in church but everywhere that I am His temple, and I am to be holy, just as God is holy. As for prayer, in the midst of the global turmoil and personal challenges, I ask the Holy Spirit’s help to pray in faith, with the “assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen”. 


Heavenly Father, I pray that as a believer in our Messiah, Jesus Christ, I will not utter empty words of praise but instead love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength by working out my salvation and producing good fruit that will last in His kingdom. I pray that as we all search for assurance and certainty amidst turmoil, it will be Your word that speaks to our hearts, as well as Your still, small voice that we obey. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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