Offering What I Have For God
To Use For His Purpose
John 6:1-15 (NIV)
(Koh Geok Cheng, Chairperson, Wesley Glowing Years Ministry)
Today’s reading tells the familiar story of Jesus feeding the five thousand with 5 loaves and 2 fishes.
What struck me this time was the little boy. No one would have paid attention to him with his five loaves and two fishes. Yet Jesus used him and the little he had that he was willing to offer, for a greater purpose.
I have been a homemaker for over 20 years. The first time I started serving God was not in church, but in my sons’ primary school 20 years ago. I was asked to help out in children’s worship during their chapel time and FunTime, programmes ran by parent volunteers. I remember saying no as I was not serving in Sunday school in church and I never went to Sunday school. However, with the encouragement of other parents whom I had formed friendships with, I took a step of faith and agreed to do it together with them. God taught me and I learned action songs, powerpoint and even led in worship and prayer. I didn’t expect that even today, my sons’ primary school friends remember that I did worship during their primary school days! There was one very mischievous boy in particular back then who was inattentive during the programmes. I was encouraged that he remembered the worship songs, and is now a mature Christian, walking closely with God and serving in youth ministry in church.
We often think that we don’t have the skills and someone better can do it. The truth from today’s reading is that we will never know how God can use us and the little we have for His greater purpose until we say yes and be willing to offer what we have and trust Him with childlike faith like the little boy.
In this year’s church theme, Discipleship in Society, we are called to reach out to the least, the last and the lost through outreach and missions. We may think that what we can offer and do is not much, but God can use it to fulfil His greater purpose when we offer it up to Him for His use. I need to be willing to avail myself for God to use me.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for showing me that nothing is too small or insignificant for Your use. Help me to be willing to avail of my time and my gifts to be used by You when You ask me to. Give me the faith and trust that You will work through it for Your greater purpose to help me be an effective witness for You to help more know You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen
Reflection Questions:
1. Can you recall a time when God called you to offer what seemed small and insignificant but God used it for a bigger purpose? Give thanks and remember it as an anchor of faith.
2. What is God calling you to do now that you think is impossible to do? Offer it to the Lord.
3. Will you offer your five loaves and two fishes to reach out to the least, the last and the lost in society as you are called to do in this year’s theme, Discipleship in Society, and be a witness for God?