Summary l Today we put ourselves in the shoes of the disciples of Jesus and reflect on who is Jesus to us.
Jesus had asked his disciples who the people say the Son of Man is. They replied that some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah and still others say Jeremiah or one of the prophets. Jesus then asked his disciples; who do you say I am? Simon Peter answered, you are the Messiah, the son of the living God.
Jesus is the Messiah!
Many people do not really know who Jesus is. But the gospel of Matthew, right from the start, decisively announced that Jesus is the promised Messiah. The word Messiah, however, means different things to different people. For some, a Messiah is to help me solve my problems and take my suffering away.
But what does Jesus as Messiah mean to us? Jesus is a saviour who takes away the sin of the world. Throughout his ministry, Jesus referred to himself as the Son of Man. This is a reference to Ezekiel 34 which refers to a shepherd to lost sheep (the least, last, lost, the despised, neglected, helpless and forsaken people of God). This was the image that Jesus wanted to portray. Have we been good sheep, who hear God’s voice and are led by it?
Many find it hard to accept Jesus as Messiah
Not everyone is willing to accept who Jesus really is. It is a part of the human condition, to want our own path of righteousness. Many come to Jesus for all sorts of reasons. Some view Jesus as a wise “moral teacher”, a “blessing giver” who can give us hope and warn us of danger ahead or as a “crisis deliverer”.
However, Jesus was most pleased with the response from Peter, who declared that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. The title Messiah means the anointed one sent by God to save humanity from sin and bring about God’s kingdom on earth. Jesus is God, because only God can save people from their sins. Jesus is not just someone to turn to in times of trouble. He saves us from our sins, reconciles us to God and grants us everlasting peace!
Who Jesus is to us determines our identity, mission and future!
Jesus did not go around telling people he is the Messiah, perhaps because he did not want his ministry on earth to be jeopardised prematurely. Instead, he wanted people to come to their own conclusion by experiencing him. Jesus has divine power over illnesses, to forgive sins, over death, over demons, over the storm and divine wisdom.
Today if we are trying to find our own way to peace, through prosperity and health, we are missing the point of who Jesus is! God’s love is shown through actions and personal encounter. Jesus isn’t just a prophet, but the Messiah who grants us eternal peace — even in the midst of trouble and the storm.
Is Jesus our Lord and Messiah? When we come to Jesus as the Messiah we can expect miracles. The Holy Spirit will reveal the presence and power of God to us; God will build His church on His disciples; evil will not prevail against God’s disciples and His disciples have the keys (power) of the kingdom of heaven.
It is not just what Jesus can do for us, but who Jesus is to us. If Jesus is our Messiah, we will definitely encounter the Holy Spirit when we draw near to Him!
(Sermon notes by Denis Koh)
- Reflect back in 2024 – what were some of the significant moments that you had gone through? Share how was God part of those situations?
- Read Matt 16:13. What are common views of who Jesus is amongst believers and unbelievers? Do you share these views?
- (Optional) Read Matt 1:16. Matthew made no secret that Jesus’s title is Messiah. Yet Jesus hardly use this title but uses “Son of Man”. What’s the difference between the 2 titles? See Ezekiel 34 to understand how Jesus saw himself as “Son of Man”.
- Read Matt 16:14-15. Why would people say that Jesus is John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets? How is a prophet different from a Messiah?
- Matt 16:15 – Is Jesus your Messiah? If yes – How do you from your own personal experience that Jesus is your Messiah? If no – What would help make you realise who Jesus is?
- Read Matt 16:17-20. Peter is a focal figure representing all disciples of the emerging church. What are some of the promises to disciples that acknowledge Jesus as Messiah?
- Scholars point out here a contrast, that Jesus as Messiah wasn’t something He went on to tell people, but God is shown by love and actions. People came to recognise themselves (through the Holy Spirit) who Jesus is. What thanksgiving can you give in 2024 in helping others recognise Jesus as gracious Messiah in your life?
- In 2025 – how can you serve God to help others see Jesus is at work (consider serving in a COSC event or Mission Trip!) Do plan early!