Walking In God’s Confidence (Traditional)

June 23, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Lilian Ang
Walking In God’s Confidence (Traditional)

June 23, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Lilian Ang
Scripture Passage: 1 John 5 (NIV)

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Summary l Walking in God’s confidence begins with faith in Jesus. Faith is not subjective philosophy or emotional experience that people seek to help overcome their pain and suffering. To walk in God’s confidence encompasses:

A. Grow in Knowledge of Eternal Life (V1-13)
1. Objective Faith in Jesus
– whoever believes Jesus is born of God…. Everyone born of God overcomes the world (V4-5)

2. Faith in Jesus is the key to victory
– Jesus said “… in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (Jn16:33)
– Faith is not in ourselves, emotional experiences or church.

3. Faith that Overcomes
John wrote to strengthen believers who might be tempted to doubt the reality of Christian experience and give up faith in Jesus. Assurance of salvation comes when we are sure of who we are in Christ. Our holiness and sanctification, commitment and dedication to God becomes stronger, we can proclaim the gospel with certainty and worship trusting in God’s promises. Do you have confident salvation? Do you know how to be saved and how to live like a saved person? Do you reflect the characteristics of Christ’s disciple?

4. The Essence of the Christian Life is Eternal Life
William Barclay describes eternal life as the life of God.

5. Given A Share in the Life of God
We can have a share of God’s life here and now. In God there is peace (serenity in any situation), power (defeat of frustration, victory over circumstances), holiness (defeat of sin), love (end of bitterness/hatred), life (defeat of death, indestructible life because Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life). Are you growing in knowledge of eternal life? If not, are you looking at the wrong places?

B. Grow in Confidence in Prayer (V14-17)
1. Prayer is An Act of Faith
If faith is weak, prayer becomes weak too, as the connection between God and man becomes weak.

2. Establish Confidence in God
When confidence in God is established we can come before God with boldness even in intimidating circumstances. When our relationship with God is so close that our hearts are aligned with His, we will be able to ask God for anything according to His will. The enemy of prayer is not knowing who we are in Christ, what He is to us and what He did for us.

3. Our Will should coincide with God’s will
Praying with sincerity only is not enough. We pray trusting that God’s will is the best and trust even we do not understand.

4. Childlike Submission to the Father
Like a child, we trust our Heavenly Father knows and gives what is best.

5. Your Will Be Done
Submit our will to God’s will, not pray to bend God’s will to ours.

6. Conditions for Answered Prayer
– according to His will
– ask in Jesus’ name (Jn 14:14)
– abiding in Christ (Jn 15:7, 1 Jn 3:22)
We are also to pray for others – those who fall into sin and those who are in need (V16,17).

C. Grow in Application of Truth (V18-21)
1. Living Truth –Filled and Truth-Applied lives
2. Four things we know
– do not continue to sin as we cannot live the same as before
– we are God’s children and God our Father will protect and give us grace to grow spiritually
– the world is under the Evil One, but he cannot touch the true child of God as Christ has overcome the world
– God’s Son came to give us salvation and understanding so we can see the world through God’s lenses and adopt His worldview.

We immerse in God’s word through daily Bible reading and reflection to help us know, love and follow God

3. Guard Against Idols
Keep watch for idols as they move us away from God and applying God’s truth e.g, materialism, success, leisure, comfort.

It is the privilege of every Christian to live in victory every day. Are we living in His power, promises and victory?

(Sermon notes by Woo Choi Yin)


A. Confidence In God

  1. Faith in Jesus Christ is the key to walking in God’s confidence
    a. Share an incident where you struggled with your faith.
    b. How would you describe your faith today.

B. Walking In God’s Confidence

  1. Grow In The Knowledge Of Eternal Life (v1-13)
    a. Share your understanding of eternal life
    b. How do you know that you have eternal life?
  2. Grow In Confidence In Prayer (v14-17)
    a. Describe your prayer life.
    b. What inspires your prayer for one another?
    c. What builds your confidence in prayer?
  3. Grow In The Application of The Truth (v18-21)
    a. What are the four things we know for sure (v18)
    b. What idols are preventing you from applying God’s truth today?
    c. How can you intentionally apply God’s truth on a daily basis?
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