Theology Of Work (TOW) 5: Witness At Work (P&P)

February 4, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Services

Rev Adrian Ng
Theology Of Work (TOW) 5: Witness At Work (P&P)

February 4, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Services

Rev Adrian Ng
Scripture Passage: Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)

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Summary l Let us consider how to be effective witnesses for God in the workplace.

1. We are to live as kingdom disciples in every area of our lives which includes being a witness for God in our workplace. Witness means a person/object that has first-hand experience and can attest legally, credibly and truthfully about a situation. A messenger conveys facts but a witness relates authentic first-hand experience. A witness is obligated to speak truth under all circumstances, even when they are unfavourable. We do need to have a personal relationship with God to be a wit-ness for God.

2. God uses His witnesses (Greek word MARTUS from which we derive the word martyr) for redemption and transformation. Scholars noted examples through the Bible from Adam and Eve to the apostles of Jesus, a pattern where use one faithful witness to transform others. Unlike pagan gods and beliefs, witnesses relate and share what they had seen and heard personally from living with Jesus. God uses His witnesses to redeem culture. Salt and light are both transforming agents and that is what we are called to be too! God expects us all to be his witnesses full time.

3. How can I be an effective witness for God at work?  People feel that they are shy or afraid to talk about Jesus. However, Jesus said that we are to let our light shine before others so that they might see our good deeds and give glory to God. Unbelievers find God hard to understand but they can catch a glimpse of Him as they see our lives transformed by His love and hear our testimonies. Many have examined the life of John Wesley to try to learn how to live a life of effective witness. Pastor Reuben P Job came up with three simple rules.

A) Do no harm. Do not seek revenge or return evil with evil. Christians trust God as the ultimate fair judge that will deal with evil and injustice.

B) Do good. Be loving, forgiving, merciful and humble. Doing good helps others see how good God is by transforming our vengeful heart to love our enemies.

C) Stay in love with God. We need to do this in order to do the previous two things and share our faith experiences.

We are a witness everywhere we go so let us pray that we will be a good one pointing others to God!

(Sermon notes by Frances Lim)


  1. What is a “Witness” and what does it mean to you? What does it mean to be a “Witness” for God? Is it challenging to be a good witness for God at our workplaces? How so?
  2. In the New Testament, the Greek word for Witness is “martus” by which we drive the word martyr. How does that convey the significance of this role? How is being a witness different from being a messenger? What are disciples called to be (Acts 1:8)? What does that mean to you?
  3. Take some time to do brief survey on significant Bible Heroes of the OT and NT (eg: Adam, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Paul and disciples). How did God use them as a key witness (truth speaker) to effect transformation to their generation? Is there a pattern how God use 1 witness to reach many? Describe their conviction?
  4. Matt 5:14-16 – Jesus used “light” to describe a disciple of Christ. How is it consistent with how God uses “Witnesses” in Q3 to effect transformation?
  5. What do you think these “good deeds” are? What kind of “good deeds” can bring glory to God in heaven? According to the sermon – what are three simple rules that we can observe to be good witnesses at work?
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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