Theology of Mission 5: The Spirit Of Mission (Traditional)

February 2, 2025 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Chia Chin Nam
Theology of Mission 5: The Spirit Of Mission (Traditional)

February 2, 2025 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Chia Chin Nam
Scripture Passage: Acts 2 (NIV)

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(Sermon notes and recording available after 4 Feb 2025.)


1) The Spirit of Mission (V1-13)

Acts 2 begins with the story of the Holy Spirit descending unexpectedly on 120 believers including Peter and the 11 apostles who had gathered for the Jewish harvest festival. It was authenticated by 3 supernatural signs – sound of a mighty wind storm, sightings of tongues of fire and the believers speaking in foreign languages. The strange sight and sound attracted the attention of pilgrims gathered there. Historians estimate the number of people in Jerusalem that day swelled from 150,000 to more than a million. The crowd from 16 nations were baffled by the strange phenomenon. Some wondered how the believers who were unschooled Galileans could speak in their languages what God has done. Others dismissed them as drunkards.

Peter’s sermon (V14-41)

a) An explanation of the strange phenomenon (V14-21)
Peter seized the opportunity to step forward to explain the extraordinary phenomenon. The believers were not drunk as they do not drink before the morning prayer. What happened was a fulfilment of Joel’s prophecy that in the last days, God will pour out His spirit on all people.

b) A declaration of Jesus as Lord and Christ (V22-36)
Fulfilment of the prophecy is understood through the life and ministry of Jesus. Today, the Holy Spirit lives permanently in those who repent and profess Jesus as Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit is our advocate, comforter, counsellor, guide, helper, intercessor, teacher and witness. Which attribute of the Holy Spirit have you experienced?

The apostles had no clue when and how the Holy Spirit will come but they persevered in praying. At his ascension, Jesus told the disciples they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes. The Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of God’s word, free us from the power of sin and bondages, and empower us in sharing the gospel.

Would we also seize the opportunity to witness and trust the Holy Spirit to bring about conviction?

c) A challenge to repent and be saved (V37-41)As Peter spoke, the people who accepted his message were baptised and 3000 were added to their number that day. 

2) Mission and forgiveness of sins (V22-41)

V38 is often misconstrued that baptism is a pre-requisite for salvation. If that is the case, nobody in Hb 11 including Abraham is saved because none was baptised. We are to repent and turn to God and be saved on the basis of God’s forgiveness of our sins through Christ’s work on the Cross. We obey with a clean conscience to be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus also commands us to forgive as illustrated in the parable of the unforgiving debtor.

3) Mission in unity and sharing of resources(V42-47)

The early church discipled new believers, teaching them to obey Jesus’ commands by word and example. They demonstrated unity in sharing resources with those in need. We are called to generosity though not everyone is required to sell his property. Christian fellowship encompasses Christian caring and sharing. Our responsibility is to alleviate need and abolish destitution in our community.

May the truth that the Holy Spirit lives permanently in us help us in our discipleship journey and further encourage unity in our church.

(Sermon notes by Woo Choi Yin)


The Spirit of mission (Acts 2:1-13)

1. “The Holy Spirit lives permanently in those who are repentant and profess Jesus as Lord and Christ.”

a. How does this truth help you in your discipleship journey?

2. “The Holy Spirit is our Advocate, Comforter, Counsellor, Guide, Helper, Intercessor, Teacher, and Witness.”

a. Which of these attributes have you experienced? Give some examples.

b. Which would you wish to experience more of? Why?

Mission and the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:22-41)

3. In what way is God’s forgiveness of us unconditional, and in what way is it dependent on your forgiveness of others? (Rom 5:8; Matt. 6:14-15)

    4. Who do you need to forgive but find it difficult to? Why? How can God help you forgive them? (Mark 11:25)

    5. “If we pray with an unforgiving heart, we are actually asking God not to forgive us” (Saint Augustine). How does this perspective help you to forgive others?

      Mission in unity and the sharing of resources (Acts 2:42-47)

      6. Does it mean every Spirit-filled believer and community have to share resouces with one another? Why? Should we do the same for our Church?

      7. Where do we do well in the unity in our Church? What areas can we do better in? What more can we do to encourage unity?

      Picture of Wesley Communications Team
      Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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