Theology of Mission 5: The Spirit of Mission (P&P)

February 2, 2025 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Rev Raymond Fong
Theology of Mission 5: The Spirit of Mission (P&P)

February 2, 2025 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Rev Raymond Fong
Scripture Passage: Acts 2 (NIV)

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Summary l The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, moving in power, bringing the presence, purpose and passion of God to us. Acts 2:1-4 relates how the Spirit fell upon the early church on the Day of Pentecost. (Shavuot), which was one of the seven Jewish festivals occurring 50 days after Passover. It was a harvest festival of first fruits promising more to come. Therefore, it was deeply symbolic as God foretold that by His Holy Spirit countless more souls would be added to the Kingdom.

The Holy Spirit of Mission Makes the Wonders of God Intelligible (Vs 5-12)
Jews were gathered from all parts of the known world and on this festival day they heard the Gospel declared in a language they could understand. Scholars say this was a reversal of the Tower of Babel (Gen 11) where men were scattered and divided as they sought to glorify themselves. Here the people were gathered and united and God was glorified. When we proclaim the gospel, it is the Holy Spirit who makes our message intelligible. Therefore, we must always be ready to share our testimony of God’s goodness, of how he has been working in our lives day to day. This requires a vital and ongoing relationship with God where we reflect and observe what He is doing each day. We can be emboldened as the disciples were. The Spirit gives us courage to go forth and speak up.

The Holy Spirit of Mission Makes the Turning to God transformational (Vs 17-21)
Uneducated Peter delivered an amazing sermon quoting from prophet Joel 2. The Spirit does not discriminate based on gender, age or status. Anyone can turn to Christ and be saved; every life can be transformed and the Holy Spirit makes this a reality.

When Peter healed the lame beggar in Acts 3:19-20 he tells the crowd to repent and receive forgiveness so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. By comparing this verse with Acts 2:38 we can better understand that the gift of the Holy Spirit means that the Holy Spirit is the refreshing and transforming Spirit of Jesus sent to each one of us. By this Spirit we can cry out Abba and experience the intimate presence of God within us (Gal 4: 6). We no longer need to focus on our ability in mission but rather, we surrender to the sovereignty of God. Through prevenient grace God gives the supernatural ability for everyone to respond no matter what the obstacles are. This happens in countries where the gospel cannot be preached, God goes ahead and prepares and opens hearts to the truth of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit of Mission Makes the Witness for God exceptional (Vs 42-47)
On this occasion there was exceptional growth in the early church. What made this possible? It was their devotion to God and each other, especially those in need… a persistent dedication! In Bible times, eating with each other was the highest social honour and it was also the barrier between classes such that the rich would never eat with the poor. Here they practiced radical hospitality welcoming everyone regardless of class. They also displayed radical communalism sharing their possessions with those in need. We can glean principles from their example and note that Christians are called to hospitality, generosity and devotion to God… only possible by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit also produces in us the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We often desire the ‘gifts’ which are important but the fruit is indispensable. Let us seek the power of the Holy Spirit moment by moment in every activity of our lives and this will transform our Christian walk, our homes, careers and our ministries. It is the exceptional love we show one another that will make a difference in this year of Discipleship in Society.

(Sermon notes by Frances Lim)


  1. How did the Holy Spirit make the wonders of God intelligible in Acts 2? How is that a reversal of what happened with the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11?
  2. Why is it important to be ready to share a testimony? How does the Spirit give courage when you share the wonders of God?
  3. The Apostle Peter quoted from the book of Joel (v18 – 21). How does this reveal the inclusive nature of how the Spirit will lead people to God? How does this encourage you in your outreach?
  4. The Holy Spirit is promised as a gift of refreshing when one repents and turns to Christ (Acts 3:19). How have you experienced the work of the Spirit in drawing you into intimacy with God our Abba Father (Galatians 4:6)?
  5. Why is the early church so exceptional in their witness? How does the Holy Spirit enable that?
  6. Take time to pray for yourself, your small group and Ministry, that you will always rely on the Spirit for power and love for your mission and outreach.

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Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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