(Sermon notes and recording available after 4 Feb 2025.)
- How did the Holy Spirit make the wonders of God intelligible in Acts 2? How is that a reversal of what happened with the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11?
- Why is it important to be ready to share a testimony? How does the Spirit give courage when you share the wonders of God?
- The Apostle Peter quoted from the book of Joel (v18 – 21). How does this reveal the inclusive nature of how the Spirit will lead people to God? How does this encourage you in your outreach?
- The Holy Spirit is promised as a gift of refreshing when one repents and turns to Christ (Acts 3:19). How have you experienced the work of the Spirit in drawing you into intimacy with God our Abba Father (Galatians 4:6)?
- Why is the early church so exceptional in their witness? How does the Holy Spirit enable that?
- Take time to pray for yourself, your small group and Ministry, that you will always rely on the Spirit for power and love for your mission and outreach.