The Humble Servant (Traditional)

June 9, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Gladwin Lee
The Humble Servant (Traditional)

June 9, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Gladwin Lee
Scripture Passage: Philippians 2:1-11 (NIV)

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Summary l Unless we think like our LORD Jesus Christ – having tender, compassionate, selfless love for others, how can we imitate His example of humility?

There are two dimensions about how to walk in humility. Firstly, our humility is practised based on how we individually relate to God. For example, Micah 6:8 instructs that God requires us to walk humbly with Him.

Secondly, humility is also understood based on how we relate to others. This is the aspect of humility that the apostle Paul was referring to in Philippians 2.

The Roman world in which Paul was writing from, had a culture of honour and shame. Honour was always given to someone who made great achievements such as winning a battle, or being promoted to a position of authority. But Jesus redefined honour and greatness as being gained through “humble service”. In his book, Humilitas, John Dickson shows that it is “the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy your resources, or use your influence for the good of others before yourself.” The Son of God “chose to forgo status for the good of others” so that what was seen as a shameful cross is “now a place of honour.”

“While still existing in the form of God, Jesus experienced all the powerlessness and poverty of a slave.” The humble sacrifice Jesus displayed in his crucifixion did not undermine His divinity. It served to glorify His status as Sovereign King who graciously and willingly chose to consider the plight of human beings to be more important than Himself. By completely self-emptying His divine rights and privileges, Jesus became human in the form of a slave. By self-giving away His Almighty high position, He exchanged unlimited power, glory and honour for shame.  

Nearer home, we see church staff who once held established careers in the marketplace show Christ-like humility by adjusting to a more basic lifestyle in housing and holidays; and forgoing a life of comfort and privilege to joyfully serve God and His Church family.

The Power of Humility in Community  

  1. Draws People Closer – by “being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” (v2) Being united with Christ and comforted by His love, God’s people build a sense of harmony when they forsake selfish ambition or conceitedness, and empathise with the welfare, needs and challenges of others. (v3-4) By letting go of any prideful ego, they are more ready with compassion to forgive and pray for offenders. They encourage a culture of honour by elevating other people and considering their opinions regardless of age difference. Humble disciples of Christ help promote intergenerational conversations and service in different ministries of the church.  
  2. Fosters Learning – Pride prevents us from learning. Being teachable opens up new skills and possibilities from God. We learn to withhold judgment and listen to alternative viewpoints. We avoid being dismissive and explore different insights. We accommodate by allowing others to serve and grow even if they don’t do as good a job. Such humble openness generates new knowledge and growth in a community, and reshapes the way God’s people grow to serve Him.
  3. Is Persuasive to Build Trust – When Christ-minded disciples lead or evangelise with humility, people are persuaded to trust their decisions and outreach efforts. They listen to others with respect and kindness, make space to hear differing views while holding on to their own convictions and sharing their case.

Do we value others above ourselves so that we consider their interests? Are we humble servants to obey our Master’s will? Humility is not a badge to wear but a way of life. Humility is God’s gift for us to use and grow relationally with our neighbours – as humble servants of Christ.

(Sermon notes by Marjorie Tan)


  1. Read Philippians 2:5-11. How would you describe Jesus’ attitude and acts of humility?
  2. Imagine you are a film director attempting to re-create Jesus’ actions in Philippians 2:5-11. What would you emphasize for your audience? What might you need?
  3. How would humility transform our community? What do you feel is most pressing today?
  4. What hinders you personally from walking in humility?
  5. What can we do practically to grow in humility?
  6. Share one thing you could do to grow in humility for the coming week.
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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