The ABC Of Ageing Well (P&P)

June 2, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Rev Chia Chin Nam
The ABC Of Ageing Well (P&P)

June 2, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Rev Chia Chin Nam
Scripture Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV)

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Summary l Growing old is not described as a problem in the Bible.
In fact, the elderly were treated with respect and regarded as a source of wisdom.
In Exodus 18, Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, advised Moses to appoint judges and delegate his work to prevent burnout. Job 12:12 tells us “Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old.” (NLT)

There are harsh realities of ageing that are unavoidable. But there also are many misconceptions of ageing that may cause us to see ageing negatively. These include thinking that older people are:

  • Unproductive and a burden to society
  • Helpless and cannot make decisions about their own lives
  • Weak, frail, ill and disabled
  • Different from the rest of the population
  • 65 and above; cannot lead full lives

These incorrect mindsets may cause us to feel fainthearted and fearful when thinking about old age. But we do not lose heart (2 Cor 4:16).

The key to ageing well is to concentrate on building the spiritual strength and beauty of old age, which is eternal.

A. Accept the realities of ageing and old age. Welcome them as part of God’s plan.
While not specifically addressing ageing, 2 Cor 4:16 reminds us that the mortal body is temporary – “our outer self is wasting away”. Psalm 90 reiterates this point – “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.” Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a time for everything under heaven, and God has made everything beautiful in its time.

When we accept God’s truth, we will be able to find peace and contentment in our later years.

    B. Believe in what is true about old age and act by faith
    Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 exhorts us to remember our Creator in the days of our youth. Afflictions and pains will come (including the effects of ageing) but we are to remember God and His promises. Jesus is always by our side and will never leave or forsake us.

    This is God’s promise and assurance to us! He who watches over us will not slumber. The Lord himself watches over us! The Lord watches over us day and night, both now and forever. (Psalm 121)

    Because of God, our inner self is being renewed day by day, our inner strength in the Lord is growing everyday when we remain in God (2 Cor 4:16). In our times of weakness, we can embrace the promise that God’s grace is sufficient for us, His power made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:9). The temporary trials in life prepares us, and works to our advantage in preparing us for eternal glory (2 Cor 4:17).

    C. Center your spirit on things eternal
    We look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. (2 Cor 4:18)

    Eternal things

    1. His Presence: Our Father God
    2. His Living Word: The Risen Christ
    3. His Breath: The Holy Spirit
    4. His Written Word: The Holy Bible
    5. His Extravagant Love: His gift of His only Son
    6. His Eternal Home: Heaven

    Jesus reminds us not to “store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. (Matt 6:19-20)

    If a person knows God, he brings the greatest treasure of eternal life and the wealth of spiritual relationships with him to heaven. Indeed, we can store up eternal riches by investing our lives in people and sharing Christ with them through kind words and deeds.

    A Prayer of John Baillie
    “Forbid, O Lord, that my thoughts today
    should be wholly occupied with the world’s passing show.
    Seeing that in Your loving kindness
    You have given me the power to lift my mind
    to the contemplation of things unseen and eternal,
    forbid that I should remain content with the things of sense and time.
    Grant rather that each day may do something
    so to strengthen my hold upon the unseen world,
    so to increase my sense of its reality, and
    so attach my heart to its holy interests that,
    as the end of my earthly life draws ever nearer,
    I may not grow to be part of these fleeting earthly surroundings,
    but rather grow more and more conformed to the life of the world to come.”

    (Stevens, Aging Matters, p.30)

    (Sermon notes by Stella Chiam)


    1. Should everyone or just “old people” be concern about issues of ageing? Why? (
    2. Do you know that old age was never described as a problem in the Bible?
      • What does Exodus 18:13-27, Jeremiah 1:6 and Job 12:12 say about older people?
      • Search the Bible for other passages that support ageing as part of God’s plan for human life.
    3. “Ageing must be the impetus for us to do everything we can to strengthen ourselves – physically, mentally, and spiritually – so that when we face the harsh realities of old age, we will tap on God’s power and transcend its challenges.”
      • How is the above true for you?
      • What more can you do to prepare and brace yourself for old age and transcend its problems?
    4. List the five misconceptions of ageing debunked in the sermon.
      • How many of them do you identify with?
      • How does the fact that debunk each changed your perception about ageing and older persons?
      • What other misconceptions have you come across? What are the facts that debunk them?
      • How does the above understanding help you appreciate and relate to older persons?
    5. “Accept the realities of aging and old age” (2 Cor. 4:16a).
      • Can you accept the reality that your body is dying every passing day? What does the Bible say about this?
      • How many of the realities of old age in Barzillai’s story can you identify with? How many can you accept as part of ageing? (2 Sam. 19:31-40)
      • Is it easier or harder to find God in old age? Why?
    6. “Believe in what is true about old age and act by faith” (2 Cor. 4:16b-17).
      • Do you believe that your inner strength in the Lord can grow daily? What can you do every day to make it a reality?
      • List the physical, social, aesthetic, and physical losses due to old age described in Ecclesiastes 12:1-7. What is it about “Remembering Jesus” that will help us overcome them?
      • What can you learn from the wise old person in Psalm 71 to apply to your life as you age?
      • Are you like Paul who is convinced that “afflictions are part of the life of faith and are signposts that one is proceeding as should be expected”? (1 Thess. 3:3-4, Rom. 5:3-5)
    7. “Centre your spirit on things eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18).
      • What are things eternal that we must focus on every day especially in our time of need?
    Wesley Communications Team
    Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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