Taking The Gospel To The Nations (P&P)

July 21, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Ms Rebecca Yong
Taking The Gospel To The Nations (P&P)

July 21, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Ms Rebecca Yong
Scripture Passage: Mark 16:15 (NIV)

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Rebecca Yong served as a missionary for one year in Thailand and five years in Japan before joining Wesley Methodist as a Pastoral Team Member in Missions.

Summary l One of the verses that impacted her in pursuing missions is Mark 16:15 (NLT): “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” This verse encapsulates The Great Commission, a foundational text that has shaped Christian missionary work since the earliest days of the church. It commands disciples to spread the gospel globally and promises divine empowerment to those who obey. As Christ’s followers, we are commissioned to tell everyone the Good News. This mandate, mentioned in all the gospels and Acts (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-48, John 20:21, Acts 1:8), were Jesus’ final words to His disciples before returning to His Father in heaven.

1.       Go into all the world

Jesus’ mandate broadens Christian mission beyond the initial Jewish context of His ministry. He commissioned us as a church with a global missionary assignment to all nations, ethnicities, and people groups. This reveals God’s heart for inclusivity in salvation and His desire for us to embrace this global mission. The Great Commission is not solely for apostles or missionaries; every Christian is called to take the gospel to the nations in word and deed.

If we are hesitant due to uncertainties or lack of Bible knowledge, we can join our church’s missions workshop to learn more about what is needed before going on a missions trip and see what God is doing globally through Wesley Methodist.

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Jesus challenged the disciples in Matthew 9:37-38 to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into the fields. We need to pray for the various needs in the fields and for our missioners and missionaries. Their prayer needs can be found in our online Wesley Weekly. We can also join the missions prayer meeting. We can take a step further and be the worker sent into the field. There are missions trips that last just a day or a weekend, as well as short-term missions overseas ranging from three months to a year.

Will you take the first step to GO and experience God and His heartbeat for the nations firsthand?

2.       Go tell everyone the Good News

Even though living out our faith daily and being a good testimony may impact others, someone still needs to tell them who Jesus is and how they can accept Him as their personal Savior and Lord. Romans 10:14 tells us about the need to tell everyone the Good News so they can decide whether to accept or reject Jesus.

We need to be prepared to give an answer for the hope we possess when people ask us (1 Peter 3:15). Let us be intentional in recounting what God has done for us daily and be ready to share the reason for our hope and faith when asked by others.

If we struggle to share our faith and wish to be equipped for spiritual conversations, we can consider joining the Conversational Evangelism course organised by our church’s Witness & Evangelism ministry. This course would give us confidence in navigating meaningful spiritual conversations.

Christ has made it clear that the Good News is for everyone and that He died for the sins of the world. Every person matters. As Christ’s disciples, we should tell everyone the Good News out of love for Him and obedience to His call. We go not because we have to, but because we get to partner with Him in taking the gospel to the nations so everyone will know there is a God who loves them and wants a personal relationship with them.

It is not about what we can do for God but what God can do through us. Our relationship with God will deepen as we go and see what He is doing around the world and through the work our team is doing.

Will you pray for God to grant you open doors to have spiritual conversations with those around you, starting from where you are?

Let us avail ourselves to Him, go on a missions trip, and help take the gospel to all the nations, experiencing His heartbeat for souls firsthand.

(Sermon notes by Joy Lim)


  1. What stood out to you as you read the context of the key verse of the sermon (Mark 16:14-20)?
  2. How has the Holy Spirit spoken to you personally through the preaching of God’s Word?
  3. Who has inspired you in participating in missions? How have you been inspired?
  4. How has the sermon and panel impacted the way you see missions?
  5. In what way is God challenging you (or your SG) in participating in missions? (eg. actively sharing your faith with others, praying for missioners and missionaries, giving to missions, going on a missions trip)
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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