Sermon On The Mount (5): Finding Your Treasure (Traditional)

March 26, 2023 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Chia Chin Nam
Sermon On The Mount (5): Finding Your Treasure (Traditional)

March 26, 2023 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Chia Chin Nam

Scripture Passage: Matthew 6:19-34 (NRSVUE)


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Summary l God’s kingdom is the finest treasure anyone can find.  Its value is greater than anything in the world and it is worth any sacrifice to find it.  The stories told by Jesus captivated the early disciples and convicted their hearts so deeply that after His death and resurrection, they gave their all, even until death to seek His kingdom.  As disciples of Jesus in the 21st century, we may not be called to martyrdom but the command concerning God’s kingdom is still the same.

When we pray the Lord’s prayer, we are asking Him to help us seek the Lord’s kingdom and live righteously so that Jesus may reign over us and all the earth.  Would you give your all to find God’s kingdom?  The one thing that holds us back is the constant worry of the future.  The early disciples also had our worries, even when Jesus was with them.  Jesus understands our daily struggles to obey Him without constantly worrying about what tomorrow brings.  He tells us to depend on our Father for our daily provision as He knows we constantly worry about not having enough or losing what we already have.  In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said He will give us everything we need, and He reassured us six times in Matthew 6:25-34.

God wants our heart more than our sacrifices.  He does not expect us to give up everything, but to give in to Him.  He desires us to put Him first before everything and take that journey of faith to submit in obedience.  If we trust and obey Him completely, He will provide.

Managing Worries And Seeking God’s Kingdom

1. Treasure the things God treasure Matthew 6:19-21

Jesus does not tell us to live our lives without planning for emergencies.  He cautioned us not to spend all our time and energy to gather wealth and storing it for ourselves because wealth does not last.  We must use our time and wealth generously to invest in things that God treasures which will last till eternity.  God treasures us and He loves us very much! 

2. Focus on things God focus on Matthew 6:22-23

Jesus used the eye in the figuratively sense to deal with our spiritual vision.  Our eyes can focus on what is bad – things that are opposed to the Kingdom of God.  Our eyes can also focus on what is good – things that advance the Kingdom of God.  If we have a bad eye, life is viewed as an opportunity to invest in things and to use people to bring comfort and pleasure for our own selfish benefits.  A “healthy” spiritual vision will enable us to have a clearer vision to focus on things God focus on – the extension of His Kingdom on earth.

3. Serve God, not money Matthew 6:24

A rich man came to Jesus and asked what he must do to have eternal life.  Jesus told him to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor, then he will have treasures in Heaven, and he can come follow Jesus.  The rich man chose wealth and lost his ticket to Heaven.  He lost the opportunity to live the abundant life with Christ while He was on earth.  Money was his God.  The idols of money, power, pleasure, and honour leave us dissatisfied because they are not what we need as complete persons.  We should serve God, not money.

God’s Kingdom is the ultimate treasure worth our sacrifice.  We must seek earnestly.  God promise to meet all our needs.  We really do not have to worry.  We manage our worries and seek God’s Kingdom by treasuring the things God treasure, focusing on the things God focus on and serving God, not money.

(Sermon Notes by Honey Vreugdewater)


  1. What does Jesus say about God’s Kingdom in Matthew 13:44? How would you respond?
  2. How does the Lord’s Prayer point us to seek God’s Kingdom and live righteously so that Christ may reign over us? (Matt. 6: 9-13)
  3. How does Jesus show He knows our worries and assures us? (Matt. 6:11, 33)
  4. Seek His Kingdom First. God Will Provide. Do Not Worry. Which of these you find difficulty appropriating? Why? (Matt. 6:25-34)
  5. Read Genesis 22. What is God saying to you about your faith and obedience? How has God provided for you? What would you like Him to provide?
  6. Jesus gives 3 pointers to seek God’s Kingdom; (1) Treasure the things God treasure, (2) Focus on things God focus on, (3) Serve God, not money. What are you doing specifically to apply them? (Matt. 6:19-24)
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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