Romans (8): Children Of God, Led By The Spirit (P&P)

August 28, 2022 | Prayer & Praise Services

Rev Adrian Ng
Romans (8): Children Of God, Led By The Spirit (P&P)

August 28, 2022 | Prayer & Praise Services

Rev Adrian Ng

Scripture Passage: Romans 8:1-17 (NRSV)


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Summary l Romans Recap: This letter was written to address differences in the early Church between Jews and Gentiles in aspects such as food offered to idols, Sabbath practices and circumcision. A divided Church does not glorify God. We have many modern day challenges too, eg. funeral practices and repeal of Act 377(A). Paul uses comparative examples and rhetorical skills to help everyone understand law and grace.

1-4.  Life in the flesh. Imagine how you would feel if convicted wrongly under the law for drug offences? What about if you were spared death or released 10 years  later  as new evidence proved your innocence? This is the scenario that Paul presents in his letter. Although convicted of guilt under the law of sin and death, we are set free by the law of the Spirit through Jesus Christ. Life in Christ means we are no longer ruled by sin. The law can tell us what to do but not help us do it. God sent his son Jesus to help us do what we cannot do ourselves. Jesus (and Adam) were the only people born without a 100% sinful nature although they could be tempted. Adam sinned but Jesus chose not to. Being human is not equal to being a sinner. If we live by the spirit, we can choose not to sin. Jesus paid the price, fulfilled the law and set us free to overcome sin and temptation.

5-11. How God designed life. Paul uses comparative speech to show the difference between life in sin and life in the Spirit. You are either a believer or you are not. You receive the Holy Spirit the day you become a Christian and from then on, you will have strength to overcome. God designed us for life in the Spirit. We need to be very conscious and deliberate in focusing on the Spirit because we were made right to walk right.

12-17.  Life in the Spirit. Therefore, we have an obligation to live by the Spirit because we are adopted children of God, sharing in the suffering of Christ and also in His glory.

Paul made these points because the Jews were very observant, exclusive, and easily noticed but the Gentiles made separate their religious and secular lives. Are we like this? The Gentile Christians had to learn that religion involves intertwining life and faith, and Paul goes on to explain this further in chapters 9-12. Paul said that both groups had got it wrong. They were no longer slaves but living sacrifices. They should all lead consistent private and public lives. We should do so too! We are not to live in fear but in love. Only the Holy Spirit can lead us into the unity of being co-heirs with Christ. We are Children of God, led by the Spirit!

(Sermon notes by Frances Lim)


  1. Share your thoughts – suppose you have been found with drugs in your luggage, under the local law, you will be convicted of the death penalty. Describe your thoughts and how will you respond under the following 
    • Being trapped under the law – awaiting execution
    • Receiving a Presidential Pardon from the death penalty – but still convicted of crime
    • Being released cos new evidence (eg: DNA) found you not guilty of the crime
  2. Christ freed us by fulfilling the law – according to Romans 8:3. What did Christ do to “fulfil” the law? Does it mean the law no longer applies? (Or more so – the punishment no longer applies?) If the law does apply – how can we continue to fulfil the law?
  3. According to Romans 8:5-8 – there are 2 forces at work – flesh and Spirit. Paul stresses that believers need to be very conscious and deliberate in focusing on the Spirit. Why do you think Paul says that? What does it mean to focus on the Spirit? Why is the Holy Spirit so important to the life of a Christian?
  4. What is the difference between being a “slave” and an “heir”? How does one become either? Paul does not believe in the concept of being “born children of God” and they can only become a child of God by “adoption” – why is this so? 
  5. Children of God are led by the Spirit of God. What areas of your life do you need to be led by the Spirit? Do you have any areas of in your life where you’re trapped by fear and bondage? How can we listen, learn and love one another in Christian Unity?
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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