Passing On A Godly Heritage (Traditional)

July 14, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Raymond Fong
Passing On A Godly Heritage (Traditional)

July 14, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Raymond Fong
Scripture Passage: Psalm 78:1-8 (NIV)

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Summary l This Next Generation Weekend, we look at how to pass on Godly heritage from generation to generation.

A. Essence of Godly Heritage

  1. Character of God: we tell of God’s goodness and faithfulness. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a God of generations of steadfast love and goodness. The Lord is both good and powerful. He uses His power for His goodness and our good.
  2. Deeds of God: the deeds of the Lord are praiseworthy and wondrous (Psalm 78:4). He has first loved us and reached out to redeem us. He has worked in the past, He is working in the present, and will always work in the future. We have hope in the works of God. We know that God will help us to reach out to Him.
  3. Community of God: it takes a village to sustain a heritage. Israel was a community forged through time to pass on heritage, a people that passed on heritage through rituals, festivals, and Godly rhythms. We must let the next generation know that we never journey alone, but we watch over each other in love and we need each other to worship the Lord together.

B.  Significance of Godly Heritage

  1. God’s priority: Godly heritage must point to God’s priority in our lives. We cannot leave behind a heritage if we have nothing to begin with. Discipling the next generation starts with our own relationship with God. We must put God first in our lives and seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).
  2. God’s design: Godly heritage must point to God’s design and not the world’s desire. God’s laws (v5) reflect His design for creation, and for His people to show unconditional sacrificial love as He has first done for us.
  3. God’s relevance: the next generation struggles with the perception that God is no longer relevant. They face worldly distraction, negative influence, secularised society, and rejection of spirituality. But the truth is that the human condition has not changed. Even though cultural expression has changed, our need for identity, significance and purpose are the same. We have an unchanging God for our unchanging needs. God gives us the identity, significance and purpose that we long for.

C. Method of Godly Heritage

  1. Tell: tell stories of an everyday God. We ‘show’ and ‘tell’ our discipleship with intentionality and authenticity. Israel had rituals, festivals, and rhythms to remember what the Lord had done. Likewise, our God is connected to our everyday moments, and we can experience His presence in our daily life. We can teach the next generation how God inspires us to forgive and show kindness, gives us strength for struggle or lessons for a season.
  2. Show: be a Godly role model. More is caught than taught. We can show the life of discipleship through regular routines, Godly marriage, and transforming habits. Character is formed through habit, habits reinforce values, and values form character.

D. Hope for Godly Heritage

The hope for Godly heritage is that the next generation will put their trust in God, will love Him and keep His commands (v7-8). We hope that the next generation will be faithful to God and will not be stubborn and rebellious like their ancestors. Despite the imperfections of God’s people, dysfunction in the family, and inadequacies of the church, and we can hope for new possibilities and transformation in Christ.

Even with our best efforts, we are not responsible for the choices of the next generation. God Himself is the Father to the next generation. All we need to do is be faithful. Godly heritage is passed on in faith, not because there is a guarantee of outcome but because God alone is worthy.

(Sermon notes by Bryan Tan)


  1. Read Ps 78:1-8, what captures your attention?
  2. What are the three essential aspects of the godly heritage we are to pass on?
  3. What is the significance of these essential aspects? Which spoke to you and why?
  4. Verse 4 exhorts us to tell the next generation of the wonderful deeds of God. How can we connect God to the everyday moments of our lives and tell such stories?
  5. Who are the godly examples in our lives? Why is so powerful to model with our lives?
  6. What is the significance of modeling habits? Have you experienced the transformation from a godly habit. 
  7. How can we serve the Next Generation? How can we serve together?
  8. What are your hopes for the Next Generation? Take time to pray for these hopes for the Next Generation.
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