Love God By Doing Good To Our Neighbours (Traditional/P&P)

May 26, 2024 | All Worship Services

Bishop Dr Gordon Wong
Love God By Doing Good To Our Neighbours (Traditional/P&P)

May 26, 2024 | All Worship Services

Bishop Dr Gordon Wong
Scripture Passage: Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

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Summary l We celebrate Aldersgate Sunday today. We commemorate John Wesley’s strangely warmed experience with God. In the harsh and cold world we live in, we all need to have such strangely warmed experiences. Many people, particularly the young, are asking what the meaning of life is. One answer to this question can be found in Eph 2:10. “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.”(NRSV) We are created by God for good works.  We are to do good works for Christ for our neighbours and for the world. It is not that we can be saved by such good works. Eph 2:8-9 tells us clearly that we are saved by grace alone and not works. We are not saved by any good work we do but we are saved in order to do good works. God’s calling and purpose for our lives is highlighted in Rom 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” The footnote in the NIV for this verse gives an alternative translation, namely “that in all things God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good—with those who are called…”. It is God who works or synergizes with us to do good works. As we do so, we are doing good to our neightbours and to ourselves. Since God has created us for the purpose of doing good, the more such good works we do, the more we fulfil the purpose for which God created us. When we do good works, we find fulfillment.

Wendy, a resident in one of the Methodist Welfare Services homes has suffered much, both physically and emotionally. Due to Parkinson’s disease and a spinal degeneration condition, she is paralyzed in both legs and in one arm. However, she has learnt to live her life fully by doing good to her neighbours, namely, the other residents and staff in the home. She cheers and calms the residents by bringing them joy. She has learnt to make beautiful paper flowers which she gives to both staff and residents. It is hard work as she has only one hand that functions. She actively seeks to bless others, bringing them joy and cheering them on. Wendy’s favorite Chinese saying is “天生我才必有用”, meaning “heaven has made me good for something”.

On Aldersgate Sunday, we remember John Wesley’s summary of the Great Commission:

Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
To all the people you can
As long as ever you can.

This is to be our way of life. “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil 1:6). God is faithful is fulfilling the purpose He has for each of us as we do good works to our neighbours.

(Sermon notes by Angela Goh)


  1. How has the Holy Spirit spoken to you through the preaching of God’s word?
  2. How would you summarise the message of this section or story?
  3. What are the implications for us through this message?
    • What are the personal implications (for you)?
    • What are the communal implications (for our gospel community)?
    • What are the missional implications (for those we want to reach for Christ)?
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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