Summary l God is calling us to a faith beyond what we see. The example of a father’s obedient, all-consuming faith in Jesus encourages us to perseveringly seek God’s blessing of overcoming victory for ourselves or someone we love.
Who do you call when helpless? Like many, the man was facing a problem that human power cannot solve. Without delay he chose to direct his family crisis to Jesus.
1. The Cry of Desperation – (v47) Having probably witnessed Jesus’ supernatural power at the water-to-wine wedding in Cana, the deeply-anxious royal official had travelled a great distance. To beg Jesus to go to his home in Capernaum and heal his son who was at the point of death. His approach had three essential catalysts – urgency, desperation and faith.
Faith must be vigorously pursued to activate God’s power and turn miracles into divine signs. The official’s son was never in Jesus’ physical presence but was healed from a distance – showing that nothing can limit the power and glory of Jesus’ ability to minister to our needs. Signs should lead to a concern for Christ and His glory. God’s supernatural power was released through the man’s persistent prayerful pleading that correctly perceived Jesus’ identity and authority to work miracles.
2. The Call to Believe – (v48-50) Told to go for his son will live, “The man took Jesus at His word and departed.” As a palace official who had seen Jesus perform miraculous wonders in Jerusalem, he had begun to discern that the signs he saw pointed to Jesus’ divine nature and mission. He is the Word made flesh, who was with God at the beginning, and makes the invisible God known to mankind. God’s profound abundance was seen in Jesus by the vast quantity of choicest wine He made from water.
Authentic faith in the Healer produces spiritual birth. The father and his household were totally healed, spiritually reborn. Surrendering every false sense of security he had, the official with authority readily obeyed any command that Jesus gave. Recognising that no one else could save his dying child he insisted and persisted till Jesus helped. His faith had progressed from believing through signs and wonders, to believing in the person of Jesus Christ, and then acting on His word of assurance.
Genuine faith trusts God’s Word and obeys it regardless of His response to our prayers. Like a blind man given a dog to navigate a busy city, we must trust God to heal, save and provide for our needs. We believe in God not by defining and demanding He answers according to our terms. We need God’s real and intervening power that heals even at a distance. But whether He heals, how and when are His to determine.
3. The Confirmation of Faith – (v51-54) While journeying a long way back to Capernaum, the official received good news of his son’s recovery which he realised happened amazingly at the exact time Jesus had said, “Your son will live.” The man’s faith started to develop as he grasped the glorious power Jesus had over personal afflictions that threaten human life. From seeking a miraculous sign, to obeying Jesus at His word, he now believed in Jesus as the object of his faith – Saviour of his soul and Healer of his body and spirit.
Faith must lead to transformation. It must spread to others. The father’s transformation led to his family’s salvation. Jesus does not limit what we can ask of Him. But more than asking for miracles, He expects us to seek Him earnestly as our only hope for salvation. Jesus wanted the man to trust His Word even before he saw the result. Such absolute faith would transform and enable him to disciple his household.
Christ is enough for healing, breakthrough and restoration in body or spirit. Whether young or elderly, far or near, we overcome doubt by harnessing our faith when tested – believing that His power is not limited by time or circumstance. Jesus saves even from a distance. His Word is enough.
People can know the Good News and experience abundant life in Christ when they see unreserved faith in us. How is our faith impacting others in our family, workplace and community?
(Sermon notes by Marjorie Tan)
1. Study Scripture
i. Read John 4:46-54. What stands out to you from this story?
ii. What does this passage teach us about trusting God’s Word, even when we don’t immediately see the outcome?
2. Commit to Action
i. The official’s faith led his whole household to believe (v53). How can our faith influence our families, workplaces, and society?
ii. What practical steps can we take to grow in faith and help others trust in Jesus?
iii. Take time to pray together, asking God to help each person grow in faith and become a light to those around them.
3. Recall Sermon
i. Why do you think Jesus challenged the official’s faith by saying, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe” (v48)?
ii. How did the official demonstrate faith in Jesus before he saw any results (v50)?
4. Relate Personally
i. Have you ever been in a situation where you desperately needed God’s intervention? How did you respond?
ii. What are some areas in your life where God is calling you to trust His Word rather than wait for signs?
iii. Is there someone in your life who needs encouragement to trust God? How can you reach out to them this week?