01 Oct 2023 | 1 Corinthians Sermon Series | Gifts, Lordship & Love (P&P)

October 1, 2023 | Prayer & Praise Services

Rev Lim Jen Huat
01 Oct 2023 | 1 Corinthians Sermon Series | Gifts, Lordship & Love (P&P)

October 1, 2023 | Prayer & Praise Services

Rev Lim Jen Huat
Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1-13:13 (NRSVUE)

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Summary l Paul addressed the issue of spiritual gifts to the Corinthians, especially where it affected their public worship.  Coming together as a church, they had confusion and disagreements because of the different levels of Christian maturity.  The Holy Spirit indwells everyone when we become believers and gives us that special grace so that we can live like Christ and be the body of Christ to the world.  Each one of us has a spiritual gift empowered by the Holy Spirit.

1.Test of the Spiritual Gifts v2-3

No longer do people need to put words into inanimate idols because the Holy Spirit is the power of God inside us and has a will and mind.  Therefore, we can perform a test to see if someone’s words, actions or life condemn or deny Jesus.  We can also look at the person to see if his/her words, actions or life confess “Jesus as Lord!”.  This is the battle cry amongst Christians that recognises Jesus’ sovereignty over us.  We offer ourselves as a holy and living sacrifice to the Lord, proclaiming that Jesus is Lord!  Let us be reminded during Holy Communion that these are the affirmations of the faith in our hearts.

2.Unity of the Spiritual Gifts v4-11

Paul emphasized unity amongst the people and that everyone is also given spiritual gifts.  In the unity of source, the same spirit, Lord and God is the trinity that gives us our gifts.  There is no division or jealousy amongst the Holy Spirit.  Although we have different spiritual gifts, the unity of purpose is for the Kingdom agenda and for the common good.  Our gifts are not for our personal glory, but to bring the message of the Kingdom to the lost, least and last in this world.  Paul reminded us in his writings that there is one loaf that represents the one body when we come to the table.  We are one family.

3.Diversity of the Spiritual Gifts v12-31

Paul used the human body to explain the importance of all the individual parts.  The whole body cannot be just to see, hear or smell.  The different parts come together because there is unity in diversity.  Unity is not uniformity; every part has a special and unique role to play.  God arranged each member as He chose.  We should appreciate the diversity that we have and that we complement one another.  Some may feel inferior or do not belong, but Paul reminds us that the human body will be crippled if the minor part fails.  We must learn to contribute and not withdraw.  Our support to the whole body is critical.  Some may feel superior or have no need of a weaker brother/sister – this attitude is fatal.  When one part is neglected, it affects the whole body.  There needs to be mutual care and concern.  We are interdependent, not independent.  We want to be the body of Christ to the world.  Although diverse, we are also one in Christ. 

4.Ways to Apply the Spiritual Gifts v12:31-13:13

Love is applicable all the time and on all occasions.  It is also a common theme in Paul’s letters. 

Follow the Way of Love 1Cor 14:1:

  • in applying knowledge and wisdom 1Cor 8:1
  • in applying Christian freedom 1Cor 8:9 and 10:23
  • when worshipping in church 1Cor 11:17-22
  • in exercising the Spiritual Gifts 1Cor 13:1-13

Paul echoed the new commandment from Jesus, “just as Christ has loved us, we should love one another.”

Remember how Jesus broke His body to shed His blood for us.  We need to acknowledge His Lordship over our lives and to present ourselves as a holy and living sacrifice to walk in His way.  As He has loved us, let us learn to love one another.

(Sermon notes by Honey Vreugdewater)


  1. How had Spiritual Gifts been misused and caused disorder, division, or disruption in the church?
  2. Why did these blessings from the Holy Spirit cause hurt and division?
  3. Which part/function/role in the Body do I see myself? What ministry/people do I serve best in?
  4. What would happen in a talented and gifted church/congregation when gifts are not exercised in love?
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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