Nehemiah Sermon Series (6): Finishing The Wall (P&P)

September 8, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Rev Gladwin Lee
Nehemiah Sermon Series (6): Finishing The Wall (P&P)

September 8, 2024 | Prayer & Praise Worship Services

Rev Gladwin Lee
Scripture Passage: Nehemiah 6-7 (NIV)

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Summary l We start off with so much beauty and precision in our work but sometimes struggle to finish it. Hitting the wall is a condition where one runs out of energy and slows down. This can lead to a sudden loss of energy and fatigue, leading to frustration and temptation to quit. Why do we struggle to cross the finishing line?

  1. Distractions
    This is the strategy of the devil, to thwart us from focusing on the important things. Our procrastination habits are powerful distractions that keep us away from our essential tasks. These dangerous distractions are especially attractive near the end of our work. It is tempting to take a breather and act like we are already done when we are not.
    We need to deal with distractions by taking the STEP: Say no to distractions, that sway us from God’s purposes, will help us to get true rest. Working on holidays is not resting. Nehemiah rejected the meeting because he knew it was a potential trap to harm him. As he walked with God, he was able to discern between good and evil through the lens of prayer. He could say no because he knew that the work was too important at that moment to step away. He was determined to focus on God’s will.
    We need to recognise the true value of our work so that our yes to this divine work will help us to say no to the distractions and our procrastinations. The word “no” can keep money in our pocket, time for God in our calendar, and Christian relationships in our life.
  2. False accusations
    Sanballat wanted the false accusation to spread like wildfire, that is why his message to Nehemiah was unsealed so that as many people as possible can read the letter. He wanted the false accusation to reach the king’s ears. Our time at work may be hit with false statements that may hit us off-course but we have a defender. God is for us!
    Take the STEP: Truth-saying & Trust in God. Nehemiah spoke the truth plainly when he was falsely accused. He knew the false accusations were to weaken him, physically and metaphorically. This will also happen to us, so we need to keep our hearts focused on God. Do not meet with enemies, meet with God. We can ask God for the physical and mental strength to face the tolls of dealing with false accusations. Nehemiah was tired. He asked God to strengthen his hands. Whatever our sufferings, we can always trust on God’s grace. His power is made perfect in weakness.
  3. Deception
    Nehemiah’s enemies arranged for Shemaiah to give him fake news to lure him into the temple which was a sin. We continue to face deception today, such as lies that disrupt our peace and progress before God. Our defence against such deception is to take the STEP: Equipped in God’s Word.
    Nehemiah could discern the deception because he knew his Bible well. He had been equipped with the Word of God to know that it is a sin to go into the Holy Place. If we do not know our Bible, we will be in danger of being deceived. Psalm 119:9-11 instructs us to keep pure by guarding it according to God’s word. We need to read and treasure God’s word in our hearts. We need to soak in God’s truth so that we know how to walk with God with purity and intimacy.
  4. Intimidation & Pressure
    Tobiah had a lot of influence in the Jewish community. He had the foothold to intimidate and pressure Nehemiah. What would we do if others gang up against us? Intimidation and pressure stir up fear and anxiety within us. It can drive us to depression and focus only on our own concerns. We can be pre-occupied with addressing the present and unable to think about the future. We can choose to STEP forward despite the bullying: Plan for the future with reliable godly influence.
    • The first godly influence we must seek is God. God’s provision and presence is noticeable. The rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall was completed in 52 days and the enemies were shocked. This was a physical demonstration that God was on Nehemiah’s side.
    • Nehemiah had reliable godly people. He appointed gatekeepers as the first line of defense for the wall. He appointed musicians and Levites as he prioritised the worship and teaching of God’s word in the community. He planned for the future by appointing Hanani and Hananiah to lead Jerusalem.
    To overcome foolish influences, we need to press on with godly influences. We need to accept that we cannot accomplish every good idea in front of us. We have God given limits. God is looking for God-fearing men and women who have the courage and conviction to serve Him. We need people of various skills and talent. Who are the foolish people that we need to stop allowing them to speak into our lives? We need godly influences that will give us courage to walk away from the bullying, intimidation and pressure in our lives.

Let us carry one another over the finishing line together.

(Sermon notes by Honey Vreugdewater)


  1. Recall what are the 4 tactics that his enemies took to hinder Nehemiah from completing his rebuilding project?
  2. How have you personally experienced these 4 reasons/tactics that led you to struggle to cross the finishing line?
  3. Recall what are the 4 STEPs that Nehemiah took to cross the finishing line.
  4. What is one practical way you can take to limit distractions and to stay focused on your priorities this week?
  5. How would you develop discernment to navigate false accusations and deception?
  6. Who are the godly influencers in your life? How would you increase your time with these godly influencers to drown out unhelpful foolish voices in your life?
  7. Which of the 4 STEPs do you think you need right now?
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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