Nehemiah Sermon Series (4): Defense And Development (Traditional)

August 25, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Chia Chin Nam
Nehemiah Sermon Series (4): Defense And Development (Traditional)

August 25, 2024 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Chia Chin Nam
Scripture Passage: Nehemiah 4:10-23 (NIV)

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Summary l Meeting opposition is a basic part of living out our faith every day. We should accept it and not be surprised by it. Jesus never faltered in his mission, despite strong opposition and even in the face of death. Jesus did not sin nor deceive anyone. He did not retaliate when insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God. True disciples of Jesus do not quit at the first sign of trouble or opposition. They look to Christ for wisdom and trust the Holy Spirit for strength to overcome it so that others may experience Christ through them.

Can God count on us to accomplish his work in the face of strong opposition? Trouble and opposition are signposts that point us to Jesus. They help us to grow in Christ-likeness. God uses the negative experiences to humble and direct us to seek his guidance. True disciples do not quit, they look to Christ for wisdom and trust the Holy Spirit for strength to overcome.

We are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world. Satan does not want to see God’s people enjoying and flourishing in doing God’s work. He puts obstacles and adversaries in our way, to discourage and destroy us. God allows these interruptions and uses such negative experiences to build us up. We must fight the spiritual battle with courage and strength; for God is with us in all our conflicts and afflictions.

The difficulties brought out the best in Nehemiah and his people. They defended and developed what God had placed in their hearts to do. How did they thrive despite great opposition? Nehemiah had a clever strategy to rebuild the wall. Different sections of the wall were repaired simultaneously and the wall was built to half its height. Their enemies ridiculed them and surrounded the city with a show of force. This discouraged the Israelites, and made them fearful of surprise attacks. (v10-12) Nehemiah did not respond immediately to the complaints or rumours of imminent threat. Instead, he prayed and sought God’s guidance. He took action when he saw the people started to be afraid and discouraged. We can glean three lessons from Nehemiah’s rallying call to defend and develop the city in the face of opposition.

Fear God, not people (v14, 20)
Nehemiah urged his people to remember the Lord, and to look to him for help. God would meet all their challenges. They were fighting for their future. In our daily battles, Christ must ultimately be the centre and cause of everything we cherish. We are fighting for God’s glory. Everything that we hold precious, such as our houses and families, belongs to God. (Eric Mason) Jesus has promised to give us back over and beyond what we offer him.

If we forget God when we encounter a huge problem, we are walking by sight, and will fail. We need to focus on God’s strength rather than on our own weakness. When we look at problems through the lens of God, who is relational, attentive, righteous, powerful, sovereign and unfailing, we realise that with man this is impossible but with God all things are possible. Nehemiah knew that the battle belongs to God almighty, who was fighting for them.

Stay alert and On Guard Always (v9, 13, 21-23)
Nehemiah organised the people in such a way that there were people on guard at every moment. As they built the wall, the people served as guards by night and workers by day. Nehemiah and his brothers remained dressed and armed at all times — ready to respond at any time. We too must always stay alert and on guard as we live for Christ.

We cannot take God’s protection, and providence for granted and must take full responsibility for our own safety and wellbeing, spiritually and physically, by always staying alert and on guard as we live for Christ.

Keep doing the work sacrificially (v15-19)
Without the sacrificial involvement, Nehemiah’s plans would have been futile.

So, when opposition or conflict challenge God’s work, God’s leaders and people, everyone in the Church must soldier on and walk the extra mile, to keep up with the call to defend and develop for the glory of Christ.

Let us keep building sacrificially what God has put in our hearts. We can pray in unity and walk the extra mile to reach out to everyone in the church and beyond the church.

In Nehemiah, the people of God were transformed. They saw and experienced God’s divine intervention, and their confidence in God and in one another grew. They were emboldened because God had taken what Satan meant for evil and turned it for good. They had a rock-solid faith and trust in God.

When faced with great opposition, we press on by fearing God, not people; staying alert and being on guard always and by continuing to do the work sacrificially. As we reflect on these lessons, let us recall the wonderful things that God has done for us. Ultimately, we build for God’s glory and the extension of his kingdom on earth.

May all of us, onsite and online, especially friends from overseas following our live streaming every Sunday, reflect on the lessons gleaned from this sermon and recall the wonderful things God has done for us.

May we release our fears and discouragement to God and join Him in the fighting and building through the church, our family, and our workplace, for His glory and the extension of His kingdom on earth. Amen.

(Sermon notes by Denis Koh)


  1. “Meeting opposition is a basic part of living out our faith. It is an indication of a strong faith journey.”
    • How would this understanding affect the ways you face trouble or opposition?
    • Watch or listen to “Workplace Conversations Series, Episode 5: Design and Build” on Wesely Podcast. How does the conversation encourage you?
  2. “True disciples of Jesus do not quit at the first sign of trouble or opposition. They Look to Christ for wisdom and trust the Holy Spirit for strength to overcome it so that others may experience Christ through them.”
    • How can God count on you to accomplish His work especially amid opposition?
    • If Satan is behind every opposition or obstacle, how would you respond to difficult people or circumstance so that others may experience Christ? (Eph. 6:12)
  3. Share your challenges in living out the rallying calls of Nehemiah to defend even as we build for God’s glory.
    • Fear God, not people.
    • Stay alert and on guard always.
    • Keep doing the work sacrificially.
  4. Read Nehemiah 4:10-14 (Eric Mason, Nehemiah For You, p.66)
    • How does this chapter challenge your understanding of fighting for faith?
    • What will it look like for you to fight for the glory of Christ in your family, church, and community?
    • Why is it so important to keep our eyes on Jesus as we fight for him and others?
  5. Read Nehemiah 4:15-23 (Eric Mason, Nehemiah For You, p.74)
    • What evidence can you see in the church of how God calls people to many different assignments but all to one work?
    • Where do you see a need to balance between defense with development or fighting with building?  What will it look like to wisely combine both?
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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