Christmas According To Joseph (Traditional)

December 18, 2022 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Lim Jen Huat
Christmas According To Joseph (Traditional)

December 18, 2022 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Lim Jen Huat

Scripture Passage: Matthew 1:18-25 (NRSVUE)


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Scripture Passage:  Matthew 1:18-25

Summary l It’s that time of the year again when people celebrate Christmas along the brightly lit roads and decorated shops. But for Joseph, the first Christmas was a perfect storm of trouble and fear. He was engaged to Mary. In the Jewish tradition, they were considered husband and wife, although they had yet to live together. They had drunk the covenant cup and made a commitment to live as man and wife. Months of preparation would follow before the wedding feast took place. Such engagements could only be broken through death, resulting in what was known as “virgin widows”. Or divorce could arise from adultery. Would Joseph be suspected of being the one who caused Mary’s pregnancy?

Storm! Joseph faced a dilemma as to what to do in this predicament. He would continue to face challenges as he travelled with Mary to Bethlehem and find no room to stay. And subsequently, he had to flee with Mary and the baby Jesus to Egypt. We learn that being in God’s will does not guarantee a smooth life that is free from trouble. As Philippians 1:29 reminds us: “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him”. We pledge at every Watchnight service, “I freely and heartily yield all things to Thy pleasure and disposal”. Such a pledge means we offer ourselves to God for His use in His plan, which may be beyond our understanding (Isaiah 55:8,9).

Through the storm, God speaks. God reveals Himself through general revelation in nature and what we see and hear. He also reveals Himself in special revelation – through Jesus and His Word. God has spoken through prophets, dreams, visions, angels, His still small voice and so on. God revealed Himself and His plans to Joseph through a dream. In his fear, Joseph receives comfort. Are we receptive to hear when God speaks? Have we developed a receptive spirit? Let us not wait until a storm arises before reading His Word and trying to listen to Him. Jamie Buckingham said: “The tragedy of our wilderness experience is not that we have to go through grief and suffering, but that we often miss the blessings from burning bushes – the things through which God speaks.” It is through walking closely with God that we develop a relationship with Him. To help us along, our church has ministries and groups where we learn to discern God’s will for us together.

God fulfils His plans in the storm. Joseph may have experienced miseries and felt helpless. But God was there with him. Joseph had a role to play in the Messiah’s birth (vs 18) for Joseph was from the line of David (vs 20). Through Jesus, God’s plan of salvation (vs 21) would be worked out, fulfilling all the prophecies of old (vs 22, 23). Like Joseph of the Old Testament who was taken to Egypt and had to suffer through many incidents, the New Testament Joseph would play a key role in God’s salvation plan. A poem about God, our Master Weaver recounts that we may experience the miseries of life and not see the beauty in the tapestry that God is weaving on the other side. We may not understand the reasons for being in a storm, but God is fulfilling His sovereign plan. Let us learn to trust Him and submit to Him. Let us not be surprised if storms occur in our lives, even when we are in the centre of His Will.

Know that God is present; He speaks; Be receptive to His Word to us.

(Sermon notes by Angela Goh)


  1. What is the perfect storm in your life?
  2. What language(s) has God used to speak to you? How did you discern His Word to you?
  3. What holds you back from immediate obedience when God speaks to you?
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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