Advent According To Mark (Traditional)

December 10, 2023 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Lim Jen Huat
Advent According To Mark (Traditional)

December 10, 2023 | Traditional Worship Service

Rev Lim Jen Huat
Scripture Passage: Mark 1:1–8 (NRSVUE)

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Summary l Advent in Latin means “coming” or “arrival”. In our church calendar, Advent marks the coming of Jesus at Christmas two thousand years ago. Advent is also when we invite Christ into our hearts. There are many Advent practices and messages in the secular world that omit Christ from Christmas. Mark uses the term “good news” in verse 1 in his announcement of Jesus’ coming. “Good news” was originally used in the context of a military victory where the good tidings of success was reported. Examples in 1 Sam. 31:9 and 2 Sam. 18:19 show how “good news” or gospel was used in battlefield victory. Much excitement is therefore associated with such occasions. Mark presents Advent in the following ways:

  1. God comes for us
    The Israelites felt that they were forsaken by God as they lived in oppression under many foreign invaders such as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. They must have felt forsaken by God as there was no prophetic word for 400 years. They thought of “good news” as a liberation from superpowers and the reinstatement of a Jewish kingdom. The “good news” must have seemed as if God was awakened and was coming for them. Heralds and forerunners went ahead of victorious announcements. John the Baptist was such a herald. Isaiah uses the term “good news” in a spiritual sense. In Isa. 52:7, the “gospel of peace” refers to God’s reign in people’s lives. It was certainly not a call to arms but a call to repentance. John called for the people to turn or change: from sin towards God. John’s baptism in the river Jordon carried rich meaning, signifying the crossing from the wilderness to the Promised Land. Advent is therefore an opportunity to receive Christ into our hearts and to help others get to know Christ. May we use this period before Christmas to prepare our hearts to receive Him who comes for us.
  2. God is with us
    Mark declares the “good news” that God is with us. God comes to us in the Person of the Son of God. Matthew 1:23 declares that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. John 1:14 tells us that God become man to dwell among us. Only through Jesus are we able to see and know God the Father (John 14:9). In Jesus, we have a Friend who has gone through trials and sorrow, who understands all that we go through. Jesus is with us and is able to help us go through life’s challenges.
  3. God goes ahead of us
    Prophecies made hundreds of years before the birth of Christ (Isa.40:3, Ex.23:20, Mal.3:1) show that God has been at work well ahead of the Christmas event. He was planning our salvation ages ago. Jesus is the fulfilment of these prophecies. Prevenient Grace refers to how God prepares us for the reception of Christ into our hearts. There are many who have yet to experience Advent in their lives. Will we bring such people to the Lord?

Max Lucado tells a story of a widow, Maria, whose daughter Christina left home to go into the city. Maria went all round the city placing a photo of herself in every street, bar and unsavoury place. She eventually gave up as she ran out of funds. Weeks later, Christina, in a dejected state, came across her mother’s photo. The message at the back read, “whatever you have done, whatever you have become, it doesn’t matter. Please come home.” Advent is the same story — for God comes for us, He is with us, He goes ahead of us. God is looking for us. He has paid the price for our sin. He pleads for us to come home to Him.

May our hearts be open to receive Him this Advent. May we share this message with all those who need to come home to Him.

(Sermon notes by Angela Goh)


  1. God is active & seeking me! How can I prepare in response to His initiatives? 
  2. God comes to be with me in my human trials & struggles. How does this help me face my challenges? 
  3. Share about the prevenient grace of God in your life. 
Wesley Communications Team
Posted by Wesley Communications Team

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