Summary l God’s servant is His agent, called to do His work in the world. This passage in Isaiah also pertains to us, as we are also called to proclaim His message of hope and restoration to our society. The book of Isaiah contains four servant songs in chapters 42-53. The first song is the call of the servant to bring justice to the nations (Is. 42:1-4); the second is the servant’s mission (Is. 49:1-6); the third is the work of the servant (Is. 50:4-9); and fourth, the suffering servant is presented as the one who suffered on behalf of the people in order to redeem them. Is. 49 describes the call of the servant (49:1-7) followed by God’s promise to bring His children home (vs.8-26). The servant is called to be a light to the nations and a source of justice to the oppressed. How can we be ready to be God’s servant?
Ready for the call (vs. 1-3). The call to an international ministry started even when the servant was in his mother’s womb. Each of us is called personally by God for a unique purpose. We are to be God’s hands and feet to a world needing His transforming power. God prepares us to be ready to serve, by sharpening and refining us. This may be an uncomfortable process involving waiting, learning and refining. It could also be a challenge as it may affect relationships with others. God sharpens us in our faith and discernment. Not all are called to full-time service but all must be ready to serve God in whatever situation He has placed us. Even simple acts of obedience can make an impact on those around us. Are we willing to let God refine us to prepare us for service? Our church has many opportunities to share God’s good news of salvation. Whether it be through Alpha or mission trips, let us be willing to be used by Him.
Ready for challenges (vs. 4). Our experience of witnessing to others may have been discouraging. Challenges include spiritual opposition and temptation, persecution, mockery and rejection, doubt and inadequacy, sacrificing our ambitions and selfish desires and surrendering our all to God. But servanthood and suffering are inseparable. It is a challenge to remain faithful in hard times. Servanthood is hard work. It can be physically exhausting and emotionally draining. We hope for visible results and expect praise. Faithfulness to God does not guarantee success. But God sees our faithfulness. Are we ready to face the challenges of servanthood and to continue to trust in God?
Ready for the commission (vs. 5-7). In the short term, the servant’s role was to bring Israel back to God. The servant had no doubt about this role, despite not being accepted or recognised. God’s plan is for His servants to serve the enlarged community. We are not only called to be followers of Christ but to step out to be God’s light to society Are we ready to be a lighthouse, shining in the dark and broken world. God promises His presence with His servants. He confirms them as His chosen ones. God fights on our behalf in whatever challenges we face. We cannot win on our own strength. Serve confidently for God’s promises never fail.
To be called as a servant does not mean we are to passive. We must be committed unwaveringly to God’s mission and be prepared to respond anytime. Are you ready?
A. Ready For The Call (v1-3)
- How does the example of the Servant in Isaiah 49 inspire you to respond to God’s calling in your own life?
- God’s purpose for your life was established before you were born. Spend some time in prayer to discern your specific calling.
- What steps can you take to prepare for God’s call?
B. Ready For Challenges (v4)
- What obstacles or discouragements have you faced in being faithful to God? How does the Servant’s trust in God encourage you?
- How have you experienced God’s provision and faithfulness in your journey of faith?
- How does knowing God’s ultimate victory shape your perspective on current challenges?
C. Ready For The Commission (v5-7)
- What does it mean to be a “ready servant” in your daily life?
- Think of a time when you felt prompted to serve but hesitated. What held you back?
- In what ways can you act as a “light to the nations” in your community or workplace?