9 September 2024 – Your Presence Is My Present

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Monday, 9th September 2024


Job 15 and Psalm 119:129-136 (NIV)

Your Presence Is My Present


Job 15 and Psalm 119:129-136 (NIV)

(Alex Lai, Associate Lay Leader)


The verses that stood out for me are as follows.

Job 15:9-10 – What do you know that we do not know? What insights do you have that we do not have? The gray-haired and the aged are on our side, men even older than your father.

Ps 119:133 – Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.


Job 15 marks the beginning of the second discourse between Job and his 3 friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar. In this chapter, we see Eliphaz unloading a barrage of questions and criticisms on Job. Job’s 3 friends actually started out with good intentions. They did so many things right in coming to comfort their friend. They even sat with him in silence for 7 days (Job 2:13). However, when Job started pouring his heart out to them, not only did they offer bad counsel, but they also judged and chastised him.


I recall that there were times when my family members and friends needed support as they were going through challenging and painful periods in their lives. Instead of responding with compassion by simply being present, I attempted to “fix” the situation. By wrongly focusing on providing solutions, I ended up feeding my own pride, forming inaccurate assumptions and being self-righteous. My behaviour caused them to feel judged, unheard, and alone.

I also recall times when I was the aggrieved party and my so-called friends gave me bad counsel, judged and chastised me. I am reminded to surround myself with wise men and women of God that are full of the Holy Spirit; people I can call on when needed.


1. When others are going through challenges and pain, I will be more compassionate and journey with them by simply being present. 

2. When I am going through challenges and pain, I will call upon my mentor, my discipleship band and my small group.

3. I will immerse myself in the word of God that gives light and understanding.


Dear God our Father, I thank You for reminding me to be more compassionate and empathetic to those who need my support. I thank You for also reminding me to surround myself with godly people who can give me wise counsel. I pray Ps 119:133 that You will direct my footsteps according to  Your word and let no sin rule over me. Amen.

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