9 October 2023 – Remember God In Times Of Distress

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Monday, 9th October 2023


Colossians 4 and Psalm 77 (NIV)

Remember God In Times Of Distress


Colossians 4 and Psalm 77 (NIV)

(Cheryl Seow, WSCS President)


Psalm 77 verses 1 to 5 describes the extent of the psalmist’s despair and anguish. The psalmist cries out to God, stretches out his hands, groans, meditates, and is unable to speak.   

In verses 6 to 9, the psalmist questions God and doubts His promises. It is as if the psalmist is complaining about God to God!

Then, in verses 10 to 12, the psalmist’s thoughts pivot and take a positive turn. He remembers, considers and meditates on all of God’s deeds and miracles. The psalmist then proceeds to describe God’s mighty deeds as he looks back on how God delivered his people in Exodus (verses 13 to 20). 


Looking at the words used to illustrate the psalmist’s distress, I am reminded of the many despairs which played out in my own life. These included sleepless nights filled with anxious thoughts, wrestling with God, and self-imposed time-outs to regain composure.

Like the psalmist, I have often asked God in frustration: “Why?”, “Why me?”, and “What am I to do next”? With my mind and heart focused on the present difficulties, I forget how God has blessed me. 


I have led a life immeasurably blessed by God. I have, however, experienced distinct periods of struggle, with the most impactful one being the years of rejection I faced as a young adult. During that challenging time, I did not always understand why God placed me in such a situation. I can imagine Jacob and his sons having the same thoughts, after “they had eaten all the grain they had brought from Egypt” and probably worried about when their next meal would be. I lamented and wrestled with God, much like the psalmist in Psalm 43. Looking back on that experience, I realised God has a plan of reconciliation for me, just like His plans for Joseph and his brothers to be reunited. I am reminded God answered me in my time of distress. He was and still is with me wherever I am (Genesis 35:3).

 When I look back at my experiences, and the people I met, I am reminded of the following: 

1. God loves me, and my value is in Christ; 

2. God has blessed me and continues to do so; 

3. God has a plan for me; and 

4. God is always with me. 

However, I find myself wondering how I  can be more like the psalmist, to  pause in my moments of despair and remember God’s goodness. 


I will continue to be intentional and disciplined in reading and meditating on His Word daily, and talking with God through prayer. These will help me face daily challenges and moments of despair. I will be mindful of what God is revealing through these experiences, and His lessons for me . In order to be effective, I have started making notes when I do my daily Bible reading and devotion. I will strive to continue this practice, as note-taking helps me remember and apply what I’ve read. Despite my weaknesses and sinfulness, I will pray and seek how God wants to use me for the furtherance of His Kingdom. 


Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for being there for me, through my ups and downs. Thank you for showing me that reconciliation and forgiveness is possible and real, through my life experiences, the story of Joseph and his family, and ultimately through Jesus’ death on the Cross. 

I seek Your forgiveness for the times I have not trusted You wholeheartedly, and not acceded control to You. You are a Good Father. I know You have plans for me to prosper, and You will not put me through life challenges I cannot bear. 

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen. 

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