9 May 2024 – A Father’s Love

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 9th May 2024

A Father’s Love


2 Samuel 18:1-33; 19:1-8 and Psalm 73:1-14 (NIV)

(Gerhardine Foo, PTM)


2 Samuel 18:1-33; 19:1-8 (NIV)


This chapter starts off with King David preparing for a battle against his very own son Absalom who had rebelled against him. David was forced to escape from his palace after Absalom ‘stole the hearts of the people of Israel’ (2 Sam 15:6) and conspired to kill David and take his throne. Despite the deep level of treachery and hurt that Absalom had committed against his own father, David’s command to his commanders and troops just before they set off was to “Be gentle with the young man Absalom for my sake” (v5).

Unfortunately, his lead commander Joab took matters into his own hands and made the decision to have the trapped Absalom killed to have justice served. As David received news from the messengers, he seemed more interested in knowing whether his son was safe instead of the battle result. Upon knowing that his son was dead, he wept and mourned openly even to the point where the men who fought and won the battle victory for him felt ashamed for causing him grief.

David’s last words at the end of chapter eighteen were those of a deep parental loss, a wishful death replacement and longing that can only come from losing a child that is loved “…If only I had died instead of you—O Absalom, my son, my son” (v33).


When King David said those last words, I am sure he was not conscious of their significance. That it would be a prophetic reference to the death of Jesus, who comes from the line of David himself, sent by God our Father, to die instead of me. 

Like Absalom against David, I have committed grave sins, strayed far from and betrayed my Heavenly King and Father. But despite that, as David loved his treacherous son enough to want to die in his place, God loves me enough to send Jesus to die in my place.      


Remember the weight of my sin that Jesus bore on the cross for me.

Live a life that is worthy of one who has been saved by the good news; one of gratitude, and one of a liberated and living witness to those around me.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving and saving me, I cannot count my blessings enough to call myself a child of God and for Your bountiful grace and mercy. Help me to live a life that is Holy and pleasing to You. I pray all these in Your name. Amen.

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