9 April 2022 – Sacrificial Act Of Love

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 9th April 2022


Matthew 26:14 to 27:66 (NIV)

Sacrificial Act Of Love

LENT 2022 | DAY 34

Matthew 26:14 to 27:66 (NIV)

(David Mok, Chairperson, Discipleship & Nurture)


Matthew 26:14 to 27:66 (NIV)


Today’s scripture reading begins with Judas agreeing to betray Jesus and it ends with Pontius Pilate ordering the sealing of Jesus’ tomb. Reading the passage, one feels that it is like the penultimate act of a drama, where the action of Judas approaching the chief priests is the first scene that sets in motion the story of the crucifixion of Christ.

It follows a script. There are a few occasions where characters wanted or were prompted to go off-script, but they chose not to. In Matt 26:39 and Matt 26:42, Jesus twice asked whether the cup could be taken away from him, but he chose to obey. In Matt 27:19, Pontius Pilate’s wife sent him a message telling him not to be involved with the innocent Jesus. However, Pilate chose to continue with the sentencing of Jesus. From Judas’ betrayal to the Last Supper, to Gethsemane, to Jesus being arrested, to Jesus being judged by the Jewish high priest Caiaphas, to the audience with Pilate and finally to the crucifixion of Christ, it is all pre-destined and prophecies fulfilled.


Our God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He created us and he wants the best for us. One of the best gifts he gave us is love. To experience love, he had to give us free will as it is not called love if the act of loving is compelled. Adam messed up his free will and we now live in a fallen world. But our good God gave us a way back to him through the painful sacrifice of his son Jesus on the cross to atone for our sins. What measure of love that God has for us! This whole script of crucifixion is born out of love for us. 


We all know the final act of the drama is victory on the cross and in the resurrection of Christ. However, I will still reflect in remembrance of the days leading up to the crucifixion – from Judas’ betrayal to the sealing of the tomb. Christ had to endure a difficult journey to the cross because of God’s love for us. Indeed, he first loved us and in his love for us, how can we not love those around us? Yes, I want to love others as God first loved me.


Heavenly Father, in your mercy, never let me forget the extreme extent to which you went to pave a way back for us. The sacrifice of Christ to atone for our sins is indeed painful but your love for us compelled you. Help me to love others as you loved me. Live in me, dear Lord, and may your love be made complete in me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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