8 November 2024 – Green Pastures And Still Waters

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 8th November 2024


Daniel 6 and Psalm 23 (NIV)

Green Pastures And Still Waters


Daniel 6 and Psalm 23 (NIV)

(Benedict Tay, Associate Pastoral Team Member (Youth Ministry))


Psalm 23:2 (ESV)


This psalm is often associated with a scene of stillness and calmness. In my mind, I picture a nice meadow filled with blooming flowers, accompanied with a gentle stream that flows beside it. What a beautiful depiction of being in the comfort of our Lord Jesus Christ.

However, as I took a closer look at the imagery of the shepherd, I realized that my mind was more focused on the scene rather than the main character of this text. Psalm 23:2 describes the actions of God who makes me lie down and leads me. 

Green pastures and still waters are not easy to find in the world of shepherds. Shepherds often search far and wide for patches of green pastures. Sources of water are scarce and in some places, precarious due to the possibility of flash floods. 

It’s in this context that Psalm 23:2 brings to life an assurance that focuses not on the destination but the journey with the Lord. It is He who will find the green pasture for me to lie down and it is He who will lead me, even when I can’t seem to find still waters. 

Indeed, the Lord is my shepherd.


Hearing news of two close Christian friends being diagnosed with cancer despite being in their 20s and seeing many young adult friends around me being retrenched, I found myself lamenting over these  painful and difficult situations. This doesn’t align to the peaceful imagery that comes to mind when reading Psalm 23. 

As I reflect further on this imagery, I realise I have been focusing more on the green pastures and still waters of the Christian life rather than on the person of Jesus Christ.

The assurance I have found in Psalm 23:2 comes not in the way and place of the green pasture but in the way of the Lord. The Lord is my Shepherd and He will guide me in all situations even if they may be challenging. 


I will not focus on the green pastures or still waters, but rather on the Lord who is my Shepherd.


    Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word and how You have given us Christ the Good Shepherd. I’m sorry Lord for the many times I have focused on the things around me, instead of focusing on You. Teach me to trust in You in all circumstances. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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