8 May 2024 – The Sovereign God

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 8th May 2024


2 Samuel 16:1-23; 17:1-29 and Psalm 72 (NIV)

The Sovereign God


2 Samuel 16:1-23; 17:1-29 and Psalm 72 (NIV)

(Felix Yeo, Director of Administry)


I read 2 Samuel 16:1-23.  The verses that stood for me were verses 5-13 where King David is cursed by Shimei.

“It may be that the LORD will look on my distress and the LORD will repay me with good for this cursing of me today” v 12. (NRSV)


As King David fled from Jerusalem to escape the pursuit of Absalom, he encountered Shimei, a man from the family of Saul who came at him cursing, ”Out! Out! Murderer! Scoundrel!”.  King David’s response, “Let him alone, and let him curse; for the LORD has bidden him.  It may be that the LORD will look on my distress and the LORD will repay me with good”. He acknowledged that it was God’s chastisement. He accepted the distress and humiliation. He trusted that God could turn it for good. He surrendered to God’s sovereignty.

He could have listened to Abishai and had Shimei’s head lopped off. And ended the episode.  He didn’t.  Instead, he chose to listen to what God may be saying to him, difficult as it was.


When I face a distressing situation, I tend to want to take control and deal with it as quickly as possible. I will explain, I will argue, I will dismiss or just ignore it.   Having read this passage and King David’s response, I am reminded that there is a better way.

Firstly, acknowledge that in any distressing situation whether because of my actions or those of others, I am an integral part of it, whether in the centre or the fringe. 

Secondly, approach it in humility and openness to listen for God’s message to me.  Is He saying something to me, whispering to my heart or convicting my spirit about a truth concerning me or the situation?      

And finally, respond, recognizing the reasons why the situation happened. Respond in kindness in God’s way, and surrender the outcome to God, trusting it is in His hands. He is in control.  And will work things out for good and not evil.   


I thank God for EVERY situation and circumstance I am facing now.  I will remember that whether it is good or not, God has a message for me. I must listen carefully to what He is saying amidst the noise and distractions.  Surrendering and trusting because He is my Sovereign God


Dear God,
You are sovereign.  You know my paths: past, present and future.  You have loved me and cared for me. You will not let anything happen to me without being there with me. Teach me to listen, teach me to trust.
In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

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