8 June 2024 – Waiting In Faith For God

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 8th June 2024


2 Kings 3:1-27 and Psalm 94:12-23 (NIV)

Waiting In Faith For God


2 Kings 3:1-27 and Psalm 94:12-23 (NIV)

(Celine Sia, SGM Core Team Leader)


2 Kings 3:1-27 and Psalm 94:12-23 (NLT)


I read both passages one after another, and thought that they stood in contrast in tone and imagery. What spoke to me was the contrast between the anxiety and frenzy of evil activity in the 2 Kings story, and steady confidence of the Psalmist in declaring God’s righteousness, goodness and unfailing love. 

The three kings of Israel, Judah and Edom were frantic, looking for water in the wilderness and worrying about the war against Moab that they expected to lose. The three kings did seek God’s help but only after they had already marched out to war and found themselves in a desperate situation. The whole story was one of all kinds of evil, fear and despair,  ending with the desperate Moabite king sacrificing his son on the walls of his besieged city. 

In comparison, the Psalmist declares with confidence that God will fight against evil on his behalf and protect him. There is no anxiety, and the imagery is one of rock-solid faith in the Lord in whom the Psalmist can always take refuge. God and His just law will ultimately triumph and the wicked will be destroyed. The Lord is on the side of His people, who have been blessed by discipline, and are righteous and upright in heart. Even when anxiety was great within the Psalmist, very quickly it turned to joy because of God’s consoling presence. 


It is easy for me to get into a frenzy when faced with issues that are close to my heart – I would be in anxious problem-solving mode, quickly executing futile actions, trusting in my own “wisdom”.  It is clear from these passages that faithlessly resorting to futile ways of solving our problems not only displeases Him, but will bring about bad outcomes. Instead, I desire to be, and will be with the Holy Spirit’s help, more often like the Psalmist – sure of God’s goodness, justice and love, and trusting Him for the outcome after having prayed about the issue.


When anxiety is great within me, I will first take refuge in my God, trusting in His unfailing love, to support me, and to bless me with discipline to put my faith in Him so that I do not try to take matters into my own hands.


Father God, thank You for this reminder that You are gracious and loving to work in me even during the most anxious of times.  Help me not to look to my own strength and thoughts, but to You in full faith, trusting totally that You love me and will help me in every situation.  In the mighty loving powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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