7 September 2022 – Breaking Promises

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 7th September 2022


Jeremiah 34 and Psalm 38 (NIV)

Breaking Promises


Jeremiah 34 and Psalm 38 (NIV)

(Lee Sock Kuan,Companions in Christ Facilitator, Discipleship & Nurture)


Jeremiah 34 and Psalm 38 (NIV)


In Jeremiah 34, Jeremiah highlighted how the covenant with God was broken not once but twice. Firstly, the ancestors of Israel did not keep their covenant of freeing slaves after six years of service. Secondly, when Zedekiah repented and did what was right, he soon went back on his actions and broke his covenant with God again! 


As an observer, it was easy to judge a recalcitrant Zedekiah especially when Jeremiah had repeatedly warned Israel of her wicked ways through the years. But I am reminded of how I had flip-flopped with God – amidst challenges, a contrite me made promises only to forget when things got better. Like Zedekiah, I had broken my promises with God enough times. As I reflected on His judgement on Zedekiah, it dawned on me that beneath the wrath, God was deeply disappointed. Despite that, He remained compassionate and loving (v4-5). Much like His restorative plans for Israel (Jeremiah 33)!


When I break my promises with God, though He continues to love me, I hurt Him with my disobedience. Just as I believe that He keeps His promises with me, I too should endeavor to keep mine with Him. 


Dear God, thank you for being patient, compassionate and loving. Help me in my weaknesses so that the promises made will be kept. And in doing so, you will be pleased. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

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