7 March 2025 –3 Phrases

LENT 2025 DEVOTIONAL | Friday, 7th March 2025


John 1:35-51(NIV)

3 Phrases


John 1:35-51

(Alex Lai, LCEC Vice Chairperson; Associate Lay Leader)

In John 1:35-51, Jesus begins His ministry by calling His first disciples. Jesus invites them to come and see and abide in Him. As I read these verses, three phrases stood out for me.

1.   What do you want?

When John the Baptist pointed out to his two disciples that Jesus was passing by, they started to follow Him. Jesus turned around and asked them, “What do you want?” Jesus did not ask the two disciples who they were seeking but what they were seeking. Jesus wanted to know why they were following Him. Likewise, Jesus is asking me the same question today. What am I seeking? Why am I following Him? Am I following Jesus for my personal agenda? Am I following Jesus out of habit as I have been a Christian for a long time?

2.   Where are you staying?

The two disciples replied to Jesus, “Rabbi, where are You staying?” Interestingly, the word “stay” is the same Greek word that means to abide or remain. Jesus used the same word in John 15 when He told His disciples that He is the vine, and they are the branches; if they abide in Him, He will abide in them. The two disciples wanted to get to know Jesus more by spending more time with Him. They wanted to be in His presence. Am I just going through the motions every morning when I read my bible? Or am I immersing myself in His word and seeking to be in His presence? Am I abiding in Christ as He abides in me?

3.   Come and see

Jesus replied to the two disciples, “Come and see.” Jesus invited them to spend time with Him and they remained with Him the rest of the day. They followed Jesus and became His lifelong disciples. Later, Jesus called Philip to follow Him. Andrew and Philip were so excited to follow Jesus that they went to find their brother and friend and said, “Come and see”. Both were new disciples and they were not trained or equipped, but they went ahead to tell everyone about Jesus. 

Truth be told, I struggle to share the good news and to invite others to church. This passage reminds me of two things. First, good things must be shared. Second, I just need to say, “Come and see” and God will do the rest. 

Reflection Questions:

1.  Why are you following Jesus? What are you seeking?

2.  Are you abiding in Jesus? Are you seeking to be in His presence?

3. In this year’s focus on Discipleship in Society, who will you invite to “come and see”?

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