7 February 2024 – Holy Spirit

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 7th February 2024


 Judges 14:1-20 and Psalm 36 (NIV)

Holy Spirit


 Judges 14:1-20 and Psalm 36 (NIV)

(Desmond Yiong, SGM – CLT)


Psalm 36:7-8 (NIV)

Judges 14:6, 19 (NIV)


Psalm 36, “How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!” This statement encapsulates the whole of Psalm 36 for our God gives us nothing less than the best; He gives us drink from His river of delights, which is pure, uplifting and edifying.

In Judges 14, “the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him” was mentioned twice in verses 6 and 19.  Samson, an ordinary Jew, became very strong because the Holy Spirit was with him.   Similarly, we can do God’s work if we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell and work in us.


I was a Sunday Christian for many years until I faced the deaths of my loved ones. Those were difficult moments. The presence and prayers from fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ helped. The Holy Spirit ministered to me as well.

As such, Psalm 36 and Judges 14 resonate with me. Indeed, according to His grand plan, God sent the Holy Spirit to be my advocate, counsellor, comforter and helper. 

Just as the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon Samson, as I allowed the Holy Spirit to fill and guide me, I became more willing to serve. While I know that this is pleasing to God, I still have issues of “letting go” completely. I still want to retain certain control over my life. How should I manage this transformation process?


I thank God each day for enabling me to do His work of serving others, especially the residents at Jalan Berseh.  I believe the art of “letting go” requires surrendering to God my time and serving with love.  I sense I am moving in the right direction. Seeing the smiles on the residents’ faces give me joy, peace, and the energy to continue doing God’s work. If I continue to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me, I am certain I will be transformed. I also believe that by doing more of God’s work, I have less worries and struggles with our secular world.


Praise the Lord for keeping me safe!  Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord, for giving me Psalm 36 to assure me that I can seek refuge in You and You give me the best.  Thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to be my advocate and comforter.  Help me to be constantly reminded that I can do nothing without You.  All glory is Yours!  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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