6 September 2023 – My Posture And Position For His Greater Purpose

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 6th September 2023


2 Corinthians 6  and  Psalm 45 (NIV)

– My Posture And Position For His Greater Purpose


2 Corinthians 6  and  Psalm 45 (NIV)

(Nijendra Mahendra, P&P Chairperson)


2 Corinthians 6:3-18 (NIV)


The book of 2 Corinthians was written by Paul to the Corinthian church to affirm Paul’s ministry, defend his authority as an apostle and to refute false teachers. 

My 2 main observations on 2 Corinthians 6 are:

  1. In 2 Corinthians 6 verse 3-13, Paul strongly affirmed his ministry and defended his authority by sharing vulnerably the hardships he went through. I observed how Paul used the word ‘we’ rather than ‘I’ 5 times to posture himself with humility, to present that his advice was not about himself but a greater cause. The word ‘we’ also postured inclusiveness to the audience of the teaching learnt together. Paul also shared his heart of love for them as he corrected them about the ways they had taken. 
  2. From verse 14-18, Paul emphasized to the church in Corinth not to be yoked with unbelievers.  Paul shared this because the church was rather young in their faith and the influence of false teachers had penetrated their Christian values, integrity, commitment, and conduct. This did not mean that the church should isolate itself from unbelievers (Paul highlighted this in part, in his first letter, 1 Corinthians 5 and 7). Pondering the context of these verses, the question to myself is; when I am with my unbelieving friends, how are my Christian values, integrity, commitment, and conduct influencing them or is it the other way around? 


  1. Learning from the Apostle Paul’s leadership to establish his credibility when dealing with conflict or correcting others, I should use ‘we’ more than ‘I’. This leadership lesson takes the emphasis off my personal say but presents the ‘greater biblical view’ when addressing others who are not aligned with biblical values. Also using the word ‘we’, gives the audience an inclusive spirit on learning the right biblical views together. Paul’s posture of sharing his genuine heart of love, does also produce an authentic position. I must do likewise with genuine posture, when dealing with conflict or correcting others.
  2. In these recent years, I find myself reaching out to spend more and more time with my unbelieving close friends. I need to reflect my Christian values, integrity, commitment and conduct when I am with them. As much as I am motivated to spend time with them out of my love for God and for their salvation, I need to also guard myself from any areas of compromise so I can truly be His light and salt. 


  1. In responding to others when resolving conflict or addressing correction, I need to pause and think if my language helps to point them to the biblical way and not my way. To also check my heart that my motivation for doing this is because of my love for them as brothers and sisters in Christ.
  2. To pray to be filled with His love and Spirit whenever I am with my unbelieving friends. As I continue to seek opportunities to share and testify about Christ, I need to prayerfully guard against compromising my Christian values, integrity, commitment, and conduct.


Father, thank you for your word and the amazing life lessons that we can learn from the Apostle Paul. As he did not avoid conflict or neglect correction when it was needed, please also help me as your servant leader to do likewise when needed. Help me to do so with the right posture, language, and perspective that points others to your ways. Help me to always only do so, with your love for them being my motivation.

Lord, thank you too for giving me the desire to reach out to my unbelieving friends. Please give me opportunities to share your love and life with them. As I do this, grant me never to get complacent and compromise my Christian values, integrity, commitment, and conduct. Keep me from temptation, deliver me from evil even as you choose to use me to be your salt and light. Thank you for hearing my prayer because I ask this in Jesus name. Amen!

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