6 April 2024 – In The End, God Wins!

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 6th April 2024


1 Samuel 17:1-17 and Psalm 47 (NIV)

In The End, God Wins!


1 Samuel 17:1-17 and Psalm 47 (NIV)

(Chua Chi Siong, CiC Facilitator)


The following verses caught my eye:

  • 1 Samuel 17:10-11: “Then the Philistine said, ‘This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other.’ On hearing the Philistine’s words, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified.”
  • Psalm 47: 2-4: “For the LORD Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth. He subdued nations under us, peoples under our feet. He chose our inheritance for us, the pride of Jacob, whom he loved.”


1 Samuel 17:1-17 sets the stage for the familiar battle between David and Goliath. 

Here, Goliath is presented as a formidable foe – a champion of intimidating physique, fully armoured and wielding a deadly javelin. In comparison, David is described only as the youngest son of Jesse, a shepherd boy. 

David’s unexpected, God-aided victory over Goliath is for another day’s reading. For today, only the haughty confidence of Goliath and the terror felt by Saul and his men stand out.

But thanks be to God, Psalm 47 reminds me that the LORD Most High will subdue nations under His people (v2-3). He also promised me an inheritance as His dearly beloved. Indeed, instead of opposition and war, there will come a time when God will reign over the nations, when all the nobles and kings belong to our exalted God (v8-9).  


I have my fair share of challenges that often feel too big and powerful to overcome, causing me anxiety and worry. I must learn to see that God is infinitely larger than these, and to trust that He will deliver me, if not today, then surely in His appointed time.

Finally, I am to have faith that in the end, Jesus will triumph and ascend to His throne as the LORD Most High and the great King over all the earth. He will bring about complete unity and everlasting peace into this world. 


I shall be hopeful and confident that God will aid me in my daily challenges and He will eventually reign over all the earth. I will be glad and praise Him in both good and bad times. 

I will pray and commit my challenges to God, and hold fast to His goodness and His promises even when I do not see the desired outcomes at the outset.

I will surrender the outcomes of my prayers to God my loving Father, trusting that He will choose my inheritance for my good. 


Dear God,

Thank You for reminding me that You are bigger than all the problems and challenges I face in life. In Your time and with Your help, I will emerge victorious. You are my awesome God, my LORD God Almighty who will reign over all the earth. All will bow before You, and I will praise Your Holy Name. Amen.

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