5 October 2023 – Seek God In His Sanctuary

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 5th October 2023


Colossians 1 and Psalm 73 (NIV)

Seek God In His Sanctuary


Colossians 1 and Psalm 73 (NIV)

(Alex Lai, Associate Lay Leader)


Whilst I read both Colossians 1 & Psalm 73, the verses that caught my attention were in Psalm 73.

v16 – When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply

v17 – till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.


This psalm was written by Asaph, a great singer and musician during the time of King David. Asaph experienced a spiritual crisis as he struggled to understand why wicked people were so wealthy and healthy. Asaph questioned and wrestled with God as it troubled him deeply. Asaph decided to seek God in His sanctuary and he finally understood the destiny of the wicked. He was assured that God was always with him, holding him by his right hand, and it was good to be near God.

Interestingly, this psalm is written in a chiastic structure in which a sequence of ideas is presented and then repeated in reverse order. For me, the turning point is v17 where Asaph decided to seek God and realised that the wicked will not live forever and they will have to face God one day and answer for their sins.


This psalm resonates with me. I can totally relate to it. I have witnessed many ungodly people who are seemingly blessed while godly people struggle in life. Even worse, bad things happen to godly people. There are times when I wonder if it is worthwhile to walk with God faithfully. I question and wrestle with God even as I continue to struggle through life’s challenges and injustices.

I have learnt that there is nothing wrong with coming to God with questions. When my faith is challenged, it is pivotal for me to seek God in His sanctuary (v17) and see things from God’s point of view. In times like these, I need to take my eyes off my situation and focus upwards, and see things from an eternity perspective rather than a temporal one. I have also learnt that it is good to be near God (v28), to open myself to His counsel, and return to His ways. After wrestling with God, I must embrace Him and His truth. 


When my faith is challenged,

1. I will seek God in His sanctuary.

2. I will look beyond the temporal and focus on things of eternity.

3. I will remind myself to be constantly near God.


Dear God our Father, I thank you for listening to my laments and complaints. I thank you for gently guiding me back into your arms. Even when my faith is challenged, you will not let my feet slip and you will hold me by my right hand. You are my strength and my portion forever. Amen.

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