5 March 2025 – The Word Became Flesh To Show Us The Way

LENT 2025 DEVOTIONAL | Wednesday, 5th March 2025


John 1:1-18 (NIV)

The Word Became Flesh To Show Us The Way



John 1:1-18 (NIV) 

(Alvin Chia, Lay Leader)

In the passage, we read that the Lord Jesus was with God from the beginning. Through Him, all things were created. In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

The key message in verse 14 provides the hope that we as Christians hold on to dearly, to live purposeful lives in our present dark and fallen world. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” In simple terms, our Almighty Heavenly God has reached out to us humans by becoming a human. The simple message to us is the glorious God has shown up among us as a vulnerable child, a poor carpenter, and a foot-washing servant to show compassion and love to people, and assure us that He knows what we are going through. 

The passage also affirmed that He came down to reach out and offer us the right to become children of God. More amazingly, our Lord Jesus Christ came to die in our place to save us from condemnation. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is beyond human comprehension and shows the immense extent and depth of His love to redeem and restore us to a relationship with Him. What amazing love! 

On this Ash Wednesday, we are reminded of the sacrificial love of God. On our own, we will never be able to overcome and pay for the sins in our lives. The Lord Jesus has come and taken our place to atone for our sins. It is by the grace of God that we can be reconciled with Him. As we approach the season of Lent, may we come in true repentance to accept the grace of God and allow His light to shine in the darkness of our lives and to follow His teachings and ways whole-heartedly. 

As He has shown the way by going through human sufferings and enduring the pains of betrayal, rejection and persecution, I am encouraged that we have a God who truly understands our human agonies and struggles. I will continue to fix my eyes on Him and trust and obey Him in all things. As a beneficiary of His sacrificial love, I will also testify of His mercy and grace so that others may also come to know and experience His love. 

Dear Lord, thank You for Your love and mercy on me. I am sorry for the many occasions that I have failed You. May You grant me the strength and discipline to surrender control in all aspects of my life so I may yield to You and live my life to honour and glorify You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Reflection Questions:

1.   How does God coming down to earth and living among humans encourage you?

2.  In this season of Lent, what are some areas in your life that you are struggling with? Are you prepared to surrender them to God?

3.   As a Christian, are you witnessing boldly for God? If not, why? How would you challenge yourself to be missional and share your faith boldly with  people around you who need to hear the Good News?  

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