5 July 2022 – Growing In Christ-likeness Daily

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 5th July 2022


Romans 2:17-29 and Psalm 122 (NIV)

Growing In Christ-likeness Daily


Romans 2:17-29 and Psalm 122 (NIV)

(Roger Chan, Chairperson, Small Group Ministry)


Romans 2:17-29 (NIV)


Written by Paul, the passage highlights the hypocrisy of some Jews who claim to “rely on the law and boast in God” (v17). They are not leading by example and living out their beliefs, despite having knowledge of God’s will. Paul exhorts the Jews to teach themselves instead of teaching others and to watch their own behaviour. (vv21-23).

Paul highlights the value of circumcision by saying that as a practice for Jews, it is only useful if one follows the law (vv25-27).

The passage ends with Paul saying that “circumcision” is of the heart and by the Spirit (vv28-29). In short, Paul is encouraging the Jews to cut the hypocrisy and to behave righteously as expected of God’s people. 


Although this passage is about the hypocrisy of some Jews, it is applicable to all who believe in Christ. If we claim to be God’s people, then our life should reflect what God is like. As Christians, we must be conscious of the need to grow in Christ-likeness daily. Through our discipleship journey, people will know we are Christians through our faith and deeds. We must remember that whenever we disobey God, we are dishonoring His name. We don’t want to be like the Jews that Paul described. We want to live out our beliefs and glorify God’s name through the manifestation of the Spirit in us. 


“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?” – James 2:14.

I believe our lives will show (deeds) if we truly believe in Christ, and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and transform us in Christ-likeness each and every single day. To do this, I’ll need to be constantly reminded to submit to God and His will in all things that I do. I also do not want to be the hypocritical Christian, accusing others without first examining myself. I will need God’s grace to forgive my inadequacies and help me be a better Christian daily.


Dear Lord, thank you for being my Lord and Saviour. Thank you for your love, that you sent your only Son to suffer and die on the cross for my sins. I am humbled for I am so undeserving of this great love. I am thankful for this opportunity to turn toward you, and to follow you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit, and guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior. By faith, I will be obedient and submit to your will. For in you, I trust. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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