31 May 2024 – Knowing Jehovah Is The True God

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 31st May 2024


1 Kings 18:1-46 and Psalm 89:30-45 (NIV)

Knowing Jehovah Is The True God


1 Kings 18:1-46 and Psalm 89:30-45 (NIV)

(Alice Hsieh, PTM, Mandarin Ministry)


v1: “After a long time, in the third year, the word of the Lord came to Elijah: ‘Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land.'”
v7: “As Obadiah was walking along, Elijah met him.”


The people of God had faced a drought for three and a half years due to their betrayal of God. However, the righteous God was still full of mercy, and He intended to end the drought by sending rain. Therefore, “God allowed Ahab to meet Elijah through Obadiah, as Obadiah met Elijah on the way.  The situation God’s people found themselves in was orchestrated by God’s hand. It was not because of the prophet’s prayers or the people’s confession and repentance, but because it was time for God to reveal Himself.

The background of Elijah’s time: King Ahab of Israel married Jezebel, the daughter of the king of Sidon, who brought the foreign god Baal into the midst of the Israelites, leading the whole nation to depart from God and worship idols. God sent a famine upon the land for three and a half years. Here, I see two opposing forces, one representing the true God, Elijah, and the other representing the false god, Ahab. But the people of Israel were ambivalent; they knew that the Lord was the true God, but they outwardly worshipped the Lord while actually obeying Baal, because they were unwilling to follow God’s law, preferring to indulge in their own desires and follow the pleasures of the flesh, enjoying the pleasures of sin. Elijah prayed for God to send fire to make the Israelites know that the Lord is God and to turn their hearts back to Him (1 Kings 18:37).


(Romans 13:1) “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” I have always been taught to obey authority. I deeply feel that as the world becomes more secular, my faith in Christ is challenged. How should I respond? Will I still stand on the side of truth and persevere? Sometimes, in our workplaces, we may face difficult situations or even injustice. Will we speak up? Will I, like Elijah, obey God’s instructions, bravely say no, and patiently wait?


1.Stand firm in truth: Learn from Elijah, even if there are moments of weakness, be willing to stand firm in faith.

2.Look to the true God: Spiritual people do not have divided hearts but solely rely on the Lord.

3.Courageously say NO: When faced with things contrary to the truth, courageously say NO!


Merciful Father in heaven, I thank You for helping me to know and understand more about You. Help me to build confidence in overcoming the battles of life. I believe that You are always with me, so when I encounter difficulties, I pray that You will give me courage and faith, not running away but humbly waiting for Your leading to a deeper experience. Help me, O God, to learn from Elijah to know You, the true God and to stand confidently for You in this rebellious generation! May all glory and praise be given to my Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!

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