31 May 2022 – Who is Blind?

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 31st May 2022


Acts 9:1-31 and Psalm 95 (NIV)

Who is Blind?


Acts 9:1-31 and Psalm 95 (NIV)

(Woo Li Chun, Member, Care Sub-Committee, Missions)


Acts 9:1-31, Psalm 95 (NIV)


The early church had a hard time. They were under persecution and Saul was probably the most zealous persecutor. A learned young man, incensed by this bunch of heretics who preached Christ and His resurrection, Saul resolved to search them out and deliver them to Jerusalem. 

Who is as blind as he who is stuck in his own beliefs? A diamond will be thought of as a zirconia if the buyer refuses to believe it’s real! 

So it is with the gospel. Good news is treated as fake news or a conjured-up fable, making the Great Commission a hard, if not impossible task. So it will be, if it is done in man’s strength. 

In Saul’s case, he was met by Jesus Himself! The Messiah! The seeing man became physically blind but the blind spiritual man had his blinkers removed and his heart melted! It was melted by an awful realisation that he had been persecuting the God whom he wanted to honour.

I can’t imagine the agony, confusion, regret and maybe, even horror at his own deeds as Saul thought about the incident and mused over where he had gone wrong over the next 3 days after he had been struck blind. Saul neither ate nor drank until Ananias, led by the Spirit, came to minister to him.


Persecution has never left the church. In fact, it’s increasing and will continue to do so. Zechariah 4:6 reminds us it is “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

We are called to persevere just as the early Christians did. They persevered in faith and also persevered to continue to spread the gospel. Now two thousand years later, the time is nearer to Jesus’ second coming. The time is short. Even shorter if we consider that our maximum lifespan is only 120 years and for most, it’s much shorter!  Carpe diem! Seize the opportunities to make Christ known!


Have I done my part in obeying the Great Commission in spite of all the obstacles, or have I been held back by my lethargy or fear of offending others? 

Today, if you will hear His voice: “Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, as in the day of trial in the wilderness, when your fathers tested Me.”(Psalm 95:7-9)

The Israelites balked at the obstacles when they were introduced to the Promised land and refused to go in. Will I do the same or be blinded by my own concerns and harden my heart against the Great Commission and lose the privilege of seeing God’s hands of grace? Let it not be so. 


Dear Lord Jesus,

You are the Author and Finisher of my faith. Lead me to be more like You in my thoughts, words and deeds, and to hold Your Great Commission ever before me. Let me not be blinded by my own foolishness but rely on Your Holy Spirit given to me to seek and actively participate in opportunities to share the good news. May my eyes see Your grace at work.  May the eyes of those who are spiritually blinded be opened to see You just as Paul did. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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