The Comparison Trap
(Gladwin Lee, Pastor)
I focused on John 21:17-22, in particular Peter’s question, “Lord, what about him?”
Having heard Jesus’ words about his future ministry and fate, Peter was curious about John, the disciple whom Jesus loved. The comparison trap is poisonous. The comparison can affect my relationships with others. If I start to envy and wonder why others appear to have an easier life or have more blessings, I can become bitter with God and wonder why He is so unfair. The comparison will also strain my relationships, leading me to complain why I am doing more work while others appear to be doing less.
The comparison trap also affects the posture of my service, drawing me away from the heart of service – Jesus himself. Unless I am careful, I risk serving for the wrong reasons such as to prove myself or to gain the approval of others.
Jesus’ rebuke in John 21:22, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me,” reminded me of two things. Firstly, my eyes should always be focused on Jesus, not others. Secondly, my ministry ought to always flow out of my love for Jesus, instead of competing with others.
At the same time, I am also cognizant that loving one another requires intentionality on my part. We don’t always get along with one another. Loving and serving others will require me to deny my personal preferences so that I may love even people who think, behave or live differently from me. My commitment to Christ requires embracing the church community which God has divinely planted me in. Genuine discipleship involves loving and serving the church which is the bride of Christ whom He gave his life for.
I will seek to love Jesus and know Christ’s compassion for His people, especially those who are struggling and hurting. I will seek to ignore any temptation to compare with others.
“Almighty God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.” (The Collect for Purity, Book of Common Prayer)