30 September 2023 – Live A Life Worthy Of The Cross

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 30th September 2023


Philippians 1 and Psalm 68;15-35 (NIV)

Live A Life Worthy Of The Cross


Philippians 1 and Psalm 68;15-35 (NIV)

(Tony Tng , Steward, LCEC)


Philippians 1:27-30 (NIV)


Paul exhorts the Philippians at the end of Chapter 1 to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel. The word worthy connotes a sense of merit to earn a prize or reward for a job done well. For example, an employee being awarded “Best Employee of the Month”. Is Paul then telling us that we can earn salvation when we have done things well? If this is the case, how can a depraved and fallen man, like me do anything worthy of the Gospel? What is there in my sinful nature that ever merits such worth? How can I claim that my works, no matter how much I have done, make me deserving and worthy of the reward of salvation? Even Abraham was credited with righteousness because he believed God (Romans 4:3). In fact, my salvation is given freely by the grace of God accomplished through Jesus Christ dying on the Cross (Ephesians 2:8). It is the Cross that compels me to do my best work to honor the work of Christ so that others who have yet to know Him can be drawn to God’s Kingdom through me.


As such, on this side of heaven, I must live a life of obedience in response to the grace, mercy and love poured on me by God so my life is worthy of Christ’s death on the Cross. Every aspect of my sanctification is the practical outworking of my justification. My depravity forever excludes me from being worthy of the Gospel, no matter how much I do, but the Gospel is worthy because it is by grace that I am saved.

So, how should I live? Paul tells me that I must live as someone redeemed by Jesus, totally committed, uncompromising, not burdensome, serving and honoring Him. I must live in constant communion with Jesus, full of love for God and others, striving and standing firm together with the body of Christ in the face of suffering and trials. This requires courage to fight persecution, temptation, immorality and the sins of this world. 


I want to live a life that allows God to mold and form my character to be like Christ, full of faith, hope and love.


Heavenly God, the Author and Perfector of my faith. You are Almighty God who makes all things possible. May Your Holy Spirit give me strength to live a life that is worthy of the Gospel.  In this world full of temptation and sin, help me to overcome, with courage and perseverance, so that I can be molded to be more and more like Christ. Amen.

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