30 November 2024 – A Cause To Plead

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 30th November 2024


Psalm 43 and 2 Peter 3 (NIV)

A Cause To Plead


2 Peter 3  and Psalm 43 (NIV)

(Wong Ee Hwee, Pastoral Team Member, Worship & Music Ministry)


Focus on Psalm 43 and 2 Peter 3: 3, 7, 11, 14, and 17 (NIV)


Take time to meditate on the psalm and the above verses. What does it tell us about the last days? Who are the deceitful, the wicked, and the scoffers? Do they exist in our communities, including church?  How are we to live, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved? 


I give thanks to God for the honesty we find in the pleas and prayers of the psalmist, not only in Psalm 43, but in many other psalms. Many a time, we deceive ourselves into thinking our motives are pure, when they stem from pride, ego, insecurity, or just pure evil. Many a time, we deceive ourselves into thinking that there could be no such persons in a faith community. But God sees the deepest recesses of our hearts. He will bring the deceitful, the wicked, and the scoffers to account one day. Until then, I will keep my eyes fixed on God, my stronghold, and ultimate Judge. 


When I am oppressed by the deceitful, the wicked, and the scoffers, I can plead my cause to God and wait upon Him. I will put my hope in God and continue to praise Him in the assembly, and fulfil my vows before those who fear Him (Ps 22:25). As God’s chosen ones, I ought to live a holy and godly life, and make every effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with Him. I need to be on my guard and not be influenced by the ways of the deceitful, the wicked, and the scoffers. 


Guard my heart, O Lord, in Your Word of truth.
Shine Your light of truth in my heart and in Your church.
Bind each thought and each motive to Your control.
May Your seed of truth and life fall on good soil,
yielding a crop many times more than was sown.
May Your fire and wind remove all weeds and chaff.
You will give to each person according to what we have done.
You are the Alpha and Omega, who is, who was, and who is to come. Amen. 

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