30 May 2022 – Surrender To The Leading Of The Holy Spirit

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 30th May 2022


Acts 8:26-40 and Psalm 94 (NIV)

Surrender To The Leading Of The Holy Spirit


Acts 8:26-40 and Psalm 94 (NIV)

(Lee Fong Pheng, Treasurer, Missions Committee)


Acts 8:26-40 (NIV)


The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch happened during the time when the church in Jerusalem was under persecution and followers of Christ were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria, preaching the word wherever they went. Phillip, the evangelist, was among them and he was in Samaria proclaiming the good news, performing miracles in healing the sick and delivering people from impure spirits.

It was during this time when an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip to go down the desert road from Jerusalem to Gaza. Philip started his journey, and on his way he met the Ethiopian eunuch who came to Jerusalem to worship and was returning to Ethiopia.

Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Philip went near the eunuch’s chariot and heard him reading the book of Isaiah regarding the prophecy of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Philip asked the eunuch whether he understood what he was reading. The eunuch responded that he did not unless someone explained it to him. Philip then took the opportunity and started to share the good news about Jesus.  After hearing the good news, the eunuch requested Philip to baptise him when they came to a place with water.  Immediately after Philip had baptised the eunuch, the Holy Spirit took Philip away. 


Philip was spreading the good news and performing miracles in Samaria. There was great joy in the city and many followed him and listened to what he said. He was experiencing “great success” in his ministry. When the angel of the Lord told him to go to the desert road but provided no details, Philip obeyed and went not knowing what he was supposed to do in the desert.

When I serve the Lord, do I choose what and where I want to serve or am I willing to surrender to the leading of the Spirit?  While I am comfortable serving in my current ministry, am I willing to step out of my comfort zone by faith when God calls me to a place of uncertainty?

Philip responded to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and ran to the chariot. His boldness to ask the Ethiopian eunuch whether he understood what he was reading led to the salvation of a precious soul. As there are many like the Ethiopian eunuch from foreign lands who have yet to receive God’s salvation, am I willing to be like Philip to them? When God gives me the opportunity, do I recognise it and respond promptly in faith?


I need to be sensitive to the opportunities God has placed in my path and be ready to respond as He leads. Unless I stay close to Him, I will not be able to recognise these opportunities and have the boldness to act in faith.


Our Heavenly Father, I give thanks for Your faithfulness in keeping me and loving me, even though I have failed many times to be faithful and slow in responding to the opportunities you have given me. I confess that I have been focusing on my own strength and seeing my inadequacy instead of fixing my eyes on Jesus who will strengthen me. Draw me closer to You to know You deeper and love You dearer so that I may respond faithfully and be useful to You. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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