30 June 2023 – Return To The Lord

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Friday, 30th June 2023


Hosea 14  and  Psalm 124 (NIV)

– Return To The Lord


Hosea 14  and  Psalm 124 (NIV)

(Heather Ong, Zone Leader SGM)


Hosea 14  and  Psalm 124 (NIV)


Hosea is a prophet with a broken heart. His personal life with an adulterous wife illustrates God’s heartbreak over Israel’s unfaithfulness and worship of idols.

In this last chapter, God pursues Israel despite her repeated sins. He urges her to repent, ask for forgiveness, and return to Him (v 1-3). God will then heal her waywardness and love her freely. God promises blessings, restoration, and fruitfulness for the repentant Israel (v 5-8).

Those who are wise will realise that the ways of the Lord are right and the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious will stumble in them (v 9).

In Psalm 124, the Psalmist gives praise for God’s deliverance of Israel. If God had not been on their side to help them, they would surely have perished.


  1. There are many distractions in today’s fast-paced society, and I am guilty of spending too much time online doing research and preparing for events. I rationalise that these worthy and relevant undertakings benefit the community, and thus I derive much satisfaction upon successful completion of each project. I realise how easy it is to enthrone such false idols in my heart, and neglect my relationship with God. I know this brings heartache to God, and I feel sorry for doing this.
  2. When at a crossroad, instead of following God’s direction, I regrettably chose to walk the ‘easier’ path, which ultimately led to a difficult and anxious time. Peace could only be restored when I humbly went before God in prayer and sought His forgiveness. God showed His love and helped me grow in righteousness as I learnt from my mistake.   
  3. I echo the Psalmist’s praise, as life can be fraught with danger at every turn. I am very thankful that the Lord is by my side, and protects me and my loved ones from harm, especially in my daily commute, in ministry service and during overseas travel.


  1. I want to be more disciplined in my spiritual life, and not indulge in thoughts, words or activity that grieve the Holy Spirit.
  2. I must ask God’s forgiveness for my rebellion and wrongdoing, and return to His righteous ways.
  3. While I prepare diligently for work and ministry, it is most important to pray and trust the Lord for the outcome and for daily mercies. 


Heavenly Father, You are the Almighty Creator, yet you know me by name and care deeply for me. Please forgive my sins and receive me graciously into your loving arms. Thank you for daily blessings of health, safety, and journey mercies. I am also grateful for a church community that helps me and prays for me. May I return to You, be righteous in my Christian walk, and serve with joyful obedience wherever you place me. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

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