Power From Above
John 19, 20 and Psalm 71 (NIV)
(Aw Meng Yin, BRD Core Team member)
For this devotion, I have focused on John 19:10-11, “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realise I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.”
First, I read of how Jesus was flogged, humiliated, mocked and abused for my sake. Pilate questioned Jesus, hoping to find a solution to the chaos. Pilate knew he had the power to set Jesus free or throw Him to the mob and send Him to His death. He expected Jesus to submit to his power and hope for the best outcome.
Yet, Jesus before Pilate showed no such fear. Instead, He told Pilate that all the authority he had was only his because God had given it to him. Pilate was wrong to think or believe that he was powerful because of who he was. The power he held so proudly was from above and not his own. Jesus’ response must have been totally unexpected and left Pilate unsure of who he was dealing with. That was apparent in Pilate’s reaction and response to Jesus.
Often, I think that I am who I am because of my own intelligence, skills and abilities. I bask in every successful episode in my life thinking that I have achieved it on my own accord. Yes, every now and then, I remember that God is in my life, and I give thanks to Him, but often, I forget and think of the power I have as my own achievement.
So, it is an apt reminder that ultimately, it is God who grants me that promotion and that I would not have this power if God had not given it to me. Being in a position of power is not just a privilege but a huge responsibility. Like Pilate, there is much that one can do when in a position of power. Am I keenly aware of what God would have me do with the power that He has given me?
- I will constantly remember that all that I have comes from God alone.
- I will learn to seek His face and find out what He wants me to do in every circumstance, and wield that power He has given me by being mindful of how He would want me to use it.
- Even as the new year starts and I finally retire, I continue to hold power from above as a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and friend, and I need to remember that there too lies much power which needs to be submitted to God.
Father, may I always remember that whatever power I have over others in my life comes from You and You alone. Help me always to seek Your face and learn from You how I should respond in every circumstance that I may be pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.