3 May 2024 – Be Strong And Courageous

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 3rd May 2024


2 Samuel 10:1-19 and Psalm 69:19-29 (NIV)

Be Strong And Courageous


2 Samuel 10:1-19 and Psalm 69:19-29 (NIV)

Chow Yuen Peng (PTM, Pastoral Care; Girls’ Brigade)


Psalm 69:29
“I am in pain and distress; may your salvation, O God, protect me.”

2 Samuel 10:12
“Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The LORD will do what is good in his sight.”


In both passages, David went through rejection, suffering and humiliation. He had to resort to sending his commander, Joab, to the battle field. Joab rallied his men to fight courageously, but he also acknowledged it was God who ultimately decided the outcome of the battle.

This expression of the oppressive sufferings of a righteous person also captures the feelings of the Saviour as he underwent persecution from the ungodly, and experienced the agony of the Cross. Similarly, any righteous believer who undergoes great trouble and sees no way out may cry to God, confident that as God eventually delivered Christ from all His suffering, He will likewise deliver all His children at His own appointed time. 

I went to the “Journey to the Cross” on Maundy Thursday. Although it was not the first time for me, it was still an awesome and heart-breaking experience. The long nails, the crown of thorns and Jesus’ brutal crucifixion brought me to tears. My Lord and Saviour suffered so much to redeem me! I must commit to be a faithful disciple of Jesus, to deny myself, take up my cross and follow Jesus.

As His disciples, it is inevitable that we will go through persecution and sufferings. However, we have the assurance of God’s protection and final victory!


I must learn to maintain a strong degree of character in my life, understand correctly what it means to be transformed to be like Christ; guard my heart and mind from a scriptural perspective; stay alert.


I seek God’s help to be bold and courageous in sharing the gospel today, to seize every opportunity, to speak about God’s radical love for His       people through Jesus’ death on the cross for them. To do the hard things, walking in obedience to God’s word, even though it may cost me.


To those who have had no agony Jesus says, “I have nothing for you; stand on your own feet, square your own shoulders. I have come for the man who knows he has a bigger handful than he can cope with, who knows there are forces he cannot touch; I will do everything for him if he will let Me. Only let a man grant he needs it, and I will do it for him.” from The Shadow of an Agony” Unquote


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me life. Help me to live this life wisely.  Thank you for putting your love in my heart so that I am able to share with all those around me. Thank you for sending Your Son to die on the cross, that through His  death, my sins are forgiven, and I will have eternal life, with You in heaven. Thank You for allowing me to have this eternal relationship with You. Amen.

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