3 January 2023 – Our Creator God

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 3rd January 2023


Genesis 2:4-25 and Psalm 3 (NIV)

Our Creator God


Genesis 2:4-25 and Psalm 3 (NIV)

(Patricia Yeo, Honorary Treasurer, LCEC)


Genesis 2:4-25 and Psalm 3 (NIV)


The Creation Story described how God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living creature (Gen 2:7). The Lord also created an ideal environment for Man to live in: a pleasing garden with food and a river that watered the garden.  There was gold in the whole land of Havilah that the Pishon river flowed into.  He created beasts, birds and livestock for the man to name and a companion was made from the man’s ribs called woman.  He also set boundaries for the man not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

What a beautiful picture of perfection!  The intimacy of God struck my heart: He is clearly the source of life and He crafted us lovingly as a masterpiece in His kingdom. He also called for obedience to His instructions.


God’s dominion and love is so evident in the Creation story.  It is awe-inspiring when we try to reconcile the complex anatomy of the human body to how God simply breathed life into us and enabled us to function. Medical science is still trying to catch up with mysteries of the human body. If God is our Creator, is He not also our primary physician who has intimate knowledge of our mental and physical needs? I often get ahead of myself by planning or consulting others instead of seeking Him first to meet my every need and waiting upon Him for direction.

I love greenery and find it a delight to observe birds and animals in their natural habitat. Upon reading this passage, I am more aware now of how God had, from the beginning, made all things in nature for us to enjoy and to co-exist with.  No wonder I find such sublime peace and experience a connection to Him when I am surrounded by nature.

God also gave us rules of living, which are found in the Bible today.  He protects and guards us through them and we must obey them so as to come into the fullness of His love for us.


When I am not in the best state of mind and health, I must remember to seek God first as He is our Creator and He will shower me with tender loving care. This also applies to how I must intercede for friends’ needs by seeking God’s loving cover over them.

Care for the environment and exercising stewardship of nature must be an integral part of my life as this is God’s legacy to us.

Reading the Bible daily is also important as it is the source of knowledge of right and wrong. I must let principles of truth permeate into my life so that I can live according to His Will for me.  


Heavenly Father, I confess to you that I have not adored you like I should, not always been grateful to you for giving me life and love and all the things on this Earth.  Help me not to be self-absorbed but to appreciate and care for all the things you have given to me.  Help me to be grounded in your Word, to always seek you first and trust you in all outcomes even when the answer is sometimes no. Amen.

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