29 June 2024 – God’s Faithfulness Endures Forever

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 29th June 2024

God’s Faithfulness Endures Forever


 2 Kings 24:18-20; 25:1-30 and Psalm 106:34-48 (NIV)

(Natalie Lam, PTM Discipleship & Nurture)


 2 Kings 24:18-20; 25:1-30 (NIV)


The narrative of 1st and 2nd Kings unfolds against the backdrop of the Davidic Covenant, promising an everlasting kingship to David’s lineage. Yet, the reality depicted in these books is one of continual disobedience among David’s descendants, leading to the downfall of Northern Israel and Southern Judah. 

The prevalent theme is clear: obedience to God invites His presence, while disobedience results in abandonment and calamity. This is reiterated in 2 Kings 24:19-20, where king Zedekiah “did evil in the eyes of the Lord” provoking God’s anger leading to Jerusalem and Judah being cast out “from His presence.” The book ends in utter desolation with Jerusalem’s fall, the destruction of the Temple, and the exile of God’s people. 

Yet, Kings seems to end with a surprising epilogue. Amidst this despair, the story of Jehoiachin’s unexpected mercy from a Babylonian king, Evil-Merodach, suggests God’s enduring faithfulness. Jehoiachin, a descendant of David, is released from prison, invited to a seat of honour, provided with clothes and food, and given a lifelong allowance. The narrative offers us a promise: God will not abandon His people


Reflecting on this narrative, I am reminded of my Ukrainian friends fleeing from war. My Ukrainian friend, her husband, and three children had to literally run for their lives when Russia invaded Kyiv. They lost their home, their friends and family, and all their possessions. They live as refugees in another country and may never see their homeland again.

They, like the ancient Israelites in Babylon, faced assimilation into unfamiliar cultures and languages, grappling with profound loss. Despite the darkness, God’s mercy remains steadfast. When David’s descendants failed to be perfectly faithful, God sent His only son, Jesus, the promised Messiah, who obeyed God perfectly and now reigns eternally on David’s throne. This affirms God’s enduring faithfulness amidst human faithlessness.


I need to reflect on the lesson of this passage; the sense of exile and estrangement, both from our true home with God and from God Himself due to disobedience. The story of Jehoiachin serves as a reminder to me of God’s boundless grace and the possibility of repentance and restoration.


Promise-keeping God, in the ruins of our failures, we seek Your grace. As You lifted Jehoiachin, lift us from our desolation. Renew our spirits, that we may walk in Your light and live in the hope of Your unfailing love. Amen.


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