29 February 2024 – You Give Them Something To Eat

LENT 2024 | DAY 14 | Thursday, 29th February 2024


Mark 6:30-44 (NIV)

You Give Them Something To Eat

LENT 2024 | DAY 14

Mark 6:30-44 (NIV)

(Liana Seah, Chairperson, BeTween Ministry)

When I read this very familiar passage this time, it spoke to me quite differently. Instead of seeing from the little boy’s perspective, what stood out was the responses of the disciples. I can relate to their frustration and annoyance. I imagine myself in this scenario. I had just finished a long project and I was looking forward to a nice break to recharge. But just before I went on my well-deserved rest, another team came to ask for help and my manager agreed to stay back and help them. What would my reaction and attitude be like? 

Would I use this opportunity to extend help? To help them means I must first take time to understand the issue and come up with a solution. This would translate to sacrifices of not only the time to rest but even to jeopardise my own productivity since I have to first learn and find out more before I can help them.

Through this passage, I’m reminded not to see my colleagues in need as a problem to fix, but to see it as an opportunity to bear witness by showing love and care and to let them see God’s goodness in their lives.

Instead of seeing it as a problem to fix, I pray that God will allow me to see the person who could use support and care.  

I must make myself available to them and for God to work in and through me. Instead of putting pressure on myself to come up with solutions to their problems, I will take the time to pray for wisdom as well as for resources which may not even come from myself. God may use me to solve the problem, or God may use me to just be the listening ears. I will pray that they will see God’s hands at work and give honour to Him. When the workplace is made of a team of people who work for the Lord and see His handprint, we will have less striving  and anxiety. From there, the workplace will be a better environment where everyone works in peace together, not competing with one another. 

I will put my trust in God’s providence, knowing that God will use my five loaves and two fishes for a good outcome in His Kingdom work on earth. God is more than able to provide more than what I need. I want to be more aware of His handprint in the workplace so that I can also fully rest in Him while I give Him my best work. 


1.   What was the disciples’ response to the crowd? What was Jesus’ response?

2.   Does tiredness prevent you from doing good to others?

3.   Cite examples when God multiplies your Five Loaves and Two Fishes for His purposes. Give thanks to God.

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